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Ask Your LASIK Eye Surgeon These Questions
LASIK surgery is one of the most effective ways to repair refractive defects such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Experienced LASIK doctors perform the surgery. Fortunately for you, Orange County LASIK specialists are well-trained and experienced in employing a specialized laser to restructure the lens in the afflicted eye. The procedure is completely safe and effective. The fact that a laser is used can, of course, make some patients anxious. This is why it’s a...
LASIK or Smile? Which Procedure Will Keep You Grinning?
If you, like millions of others, suffer from nearsightedness, you may be contemplating whether you should undergo SMILE or Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery. While each of these procedures deals with refractive problems, the methods used to treat them differ slightly. You can contact a highly reputable Los Angeles LASIK eye center such as Excel Eye to see if you are eligible for either of these procedures. LASIK is a popular vision repair surgery that has received high praise from doctors and...
The Deadly Dangers of Driving at Night
Did you know that most car accidents in the United States happen in the dead of night? In fact, according to the National Safety Council, 50% of fatal car accidents happen at night even though humans only spend a quarter of their lives driving at that time.
Below are the main reasons why driving at night is so dangerous.
You See Less at Night
Unless you’re a cat with enhanced vision in the dark, it’s extremely difficult to see things at night, even with perfect vision. Your headlights...
How Better Vision Can Naturally Enhance Your Emotional Well-Being
Many people consider LASIK in Orange County to be a viable, long-term solution to eyesight problems. While this is largely true, you might be stunned to discover that strengthening one’s vision can considerably enhance one’s mood and alleviate symptoms of hopelessness and depression. So what does the research say about this topic?
Depression and Eyesight
It’s natural for our vision to deteriorate as we get older. However, sometimes people face considerably faster vision...
The Best and Worst Cities in the USA for Your Eye Health
Many people don’t consider the environment they live in a factor in their eye health. They don’t realize that external things like weather and living costs can contribute to all sorts of vision impairment problems, even if they practice good habits and hygiene with their eyes.
So, using a combination of factors such as altitude, humidity, temperature, pollution, etc., we’ve compiled a list of the best and worst cities to live in for your eye health.
The Best Cities in the USA for Eye...
Am I The Right Age for LASIK?
You might have heard about the Goldilocks Effect—it’s a principle derived from the classic fairytale, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” Here, a young girl named Goldilocks breaks into a Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear’s house, eats their porridge, sits on their chairs, and sleeps on their bed. In the story, Goldilocks chooses everything the Baby Bear owns because everything was ‘just right.’
The Goldilocks Effect describes how people naturally gravitate towards things that are ‘just...
What to Expect After Getting the Best Laser Eye Surgery in Los Angeles
The best LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles agree that proper aftercare is crucial to having a successful surgery. You need to treat your eyes with a lot of care and love as they just went through a lot of work, as I’m sure anyone would need if they had lasers set on them!
Here’s what to expect after getting your life-changing laser eye surgery.
The First Few Hours After Your Surgery
After the surgery is completed, your eye surgeon will let you take a little cat nap to let your eyes recover...
How a Sinus Infection Can Be Detrimental to Your Eyesight
When you get a sinus infection referred to by doctors as sinusitis, naturally, you are most likely to be concerned with how your nose and your head feel. It is normally caused by seasonal allergies, with over 3 million cases each year in the United States. It normally means no need for panic; however, this relatively brief illness can also negatively impact your eyesight, even if you do not experience any pain. Our Los Angeles LASIK team wants you to understand how you can better take care...
A Comparative Breakdown of Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, and LASIK
Advantages and Disadvantages
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are at least 2.2 billion in the world with some type of vision impairment. In most cases, vision impairment either could have been prevented easily or has not yet been addressed with corrective measures like eyeglasses, contact lenses, or LASIK.
In this article, we’ll be looking at the different ways to correct eyesight and their various advantages and disadvantages.
Wearing eyeglasses is...
How Poor Vision Can Impact Learning
We have all heard of the three predominant learning styles, visual, auditory, and tactile – but what about people who may learn best visually but cannot see very well? It doesn’t take a doctor to know that it can be more difficult to learn if you have poor eyesight. According to research, 65 percent of the general population are visual learners. So in a sense, a majority of people truly need to “see it to believe it.” If you learn better by seeing things but were not blessed with the...
Why You Should Check Your Eye Health If You Suffer From a Lot of Headaches
Headaches are a common pain that many people experience from time to time. However, having pain behind your eyes can wreak havoc in your life especially when you got a lot of things to do. If you often have a headache or even every day, that regularity may mean there is something more serious lurking.
If you have a lot of headaches, book an eye exam right away, and you should see if you can rule out any vision problems as a cause. Headaches are not always linked to vision issues, and...
Why Do We Need to Blink Many Times a Day?
Many of us in our younger years have been in a staring contest. Remember how difficult it was to keep your eyes open for such a long time? Eye doctors tell us it is because of our natural instinct to blink. However, what are the reasons behind our need to blink?
Apparently, there are two main reasons for blinking. First of all, blinking clears away particles from the eyes. For instance, if there is a foreign body in the eye, it helps to remove it. Sometimes particles get under the eyelid...