What Are Eye Floaters?
Are you seeing little spots, specks, and spider webs floating randomly within your area of vision? Although they are a nuisance, a lasik surgeon in Orange County says that eye floaters and spots are extremely common and usually aren’t much to worry about.
What Are The Symptoms of Eye Floaters?
Floaters have earned their name by, you guessed it, floating around the eye. They tend to bound and dash away when you make an effort to focus on them.
They come in many different sizes and shapes such as the following:
- Rings
- Squiggly lines
- Cobwebs
- Threadlike strands
- Black or grey dots
When you get them, they initially might not flee easily but over time, more than likely, you will notice them less.
What Causes Eye Floaters?
You get floaters and spots in your vision when pieces of the eye’s gel-like vitreous gets within the back part of your eye. At birth and throughout our younger years, the vitreous has a gel-like consistency. However, as we age, the vitreous starts to break down and liquefy creating a watery center.
Some of these undissolved gel particles periodically make their way into the liquid center of the vitreous and begin to float there. These particles are what the lasik surgeon in Orange County refer to as “eye floaters”.
These spots and eye floaters are usually very noticeable if you stare at a clear or overcast sky, or even a computer screen that has a white or light-colored background. You can’t actually see the tiny bits of debris drifting inside your eye. What you are seeing are the shadows these floaters cast on the retina as light passes through the eye.
You probably have a tough time focusing on these specks, since they never want to stay still. The reason for this is the floaters and spots move around when the eye and the vitreous gel shift, creating the effect that they are moving about aimlessly.
What Causes Eye Flashes?
Normally, light entering the eye stimulates the retina. This creates an electrical impulse, which the optic nerve sends to the brain. The brain then translates this impulse as light or some kind of image.
In the event that the retina is mechanically stimulated (physically touched or pulled), an identical electrical impulse is transmitted to the brain. The impulse is then interpreted as a flicker of light.
As soon as the retina is pulled, torn or detached from the back of the eye, the person affected will begin to notice a flash or flicker of light. The severity of the flashes and how short-lived or persistent they are depends on the extent of the traction, tear or detachment. These flashes usually continue until the retina is repaired.
Flashes, or photopsia, can also happen after a knock to the head shakes the vitreous gel inside the eye. When this happens, the person might experience “seeing stars”.
When Are Eye Floaters And Flashes a Cause For Concern?
Our lasik surgeon in Orange County advises to not be alarmed when you see some floaters every now and then. However, if you experience a downpour of floaters and spots followed by flashes of light, you should talk to an optometric physician.
The unexpected manifestation of these symptoms could signal that the vitreous has disconnected itself from your retina. This condition is known as posterior vitreous detachment. It means that the retina has possibly been knocked loose from the inner lining in the back of the eye. This lining is responsible for holding blood, nutrients, and oxygen that are important to healthy eye functions.
While the vitreous gel pulls on the fragile retina, a small tear or hole can develop. When the retina is damaged, vitreous can get into the opening and push the retina from the inner lining located at the back of the eye. This can cause retinal detachment.
A study published in Ophthalmology revealed that 39.7 percent of individuals who experienced the immediate symptoms of eye floaters and/or flashes of light, had a posterior vitreous detachment and 8.9 percent of them had a torn retina.
Further research discovered that approximately 50 percent of individuals with a retinal tear would go on to develop a detachment of the retina, resulting in considerable vision loss.
When retina tears or detachments occur, treatment must take place almost immediately in order for an eye surgeon to attempt to reattach the retina and regain eye function before vision is severely impacted.
Laser Treatment for Eye Floaters
A new laser procedure called laser vitreolysis is an excellent way to treat eye floaters. This is a safe and effective in-house procedure in which a laser beam is projected through the pupil and focused on large floaters. This breaks them down and/or sometimes vaporizes the floaters so they vanish or become less of a nuisance.
To find out whether you can benefit from laser eye treatment for eye floaters, or need a medical evaluation for eye flashes, get in touch with Excel Laser Vision Institute at + (818) 907-8606 to schedule a free eye examination. Board-certified ophthalmologist and respected Lasik surgeon Dr. Ferzaad Moosa will help you get the clear vision you want with effective state-of-the art laser eye treatment!
How To Treat Lazy Eye
Lasik surgeons in Los Angeles have treated many children for an eye condition referred to as ‘lazy eye’, known in the medical field as amblyopia. It develops when the sight within one of the child’s eyes doesn’t form as it should.
What Causes Amblyopia?
Amblyopia is a vision development disorder that causes an eye to fail, preventing it from acquiring normal visual acuity, despite the use of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. Normally, a lazy eye starts during infancy and early childhood. Lasik surgeons in Los Angeles noted that in many cases only one eye is affected. However, there have been some instances in which amblyopia has affected both eyes.
If the lazy eye is left untreated, the child’s brain will be trained to pay no attention to the image that comes from the respective damaged eye. If as a parent you allow this to happen, your child’s vision could be harmed permanently. Fortunately, if amblyopia is diagnosed early in life and treated immediately, impaired vision in the child can be prevented. On the other hand, an untreated lazy eye can lead to permanent loss of sight in the affected eye. Roughly 2 to 3 percent of the U.S. population has some degree of lazy eye.
Here are the three types of lazy eye infants and children could be affected by:
Strabismic amblyopia: This is the most common cause of lazy eyes. To prevent double vision due to poorly aligned eyes, the brain will disregard the visual input from the misaligned eye, which results in amblyopia in the eye.
Refractive amblyopia: There are times when a lazy eye is caused by unequal refractive errors in the two eyes, despite perfect eye alignment. For instance, one eye could have significant nearsightedness or farsightedness, while the other eye does not. In this circumstance, the brain depends on the eye with the less uncorrected refractive error and ignores the blurred vision from the other eye. This results in amblyopia in that eye because it isn’t being used.
Deprivation amblyopia: Similar to a congenital cataract, certain lazy eyes can occur when light is prevented from entering and focusing within a baby’s eye.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Amblyopia?
Since amblyopia is often an issue of infant vision development, symptoms of a lazy eye can be a challenge to recognize. Most of the time, the common cause for lazy eye is because there is a misalignment of the eyes, otherwise known as strabismus.
Lasik surgeons in Los Angeles are adamant that if you notice your baby or toddler has crossed eyes or other obvious eye misalignments, book an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
If you are on the fence on whether your child has a lazy eye or not, try to cover one of their eyes. If he or she throws a tantrum, then your child might have amblyopia. This is a simple screening test that can be done at home.
If your child stays calm and collected when one eye is covered but cries when the other is, this may mean that the covered eye is the “good” eye. Meaning the uncovered eye is lazy and causing cloudy vision.
Obviously, this simple at-home test can’t replace a thorough eye exam. Many eye doctors will agree that a child’s first eye exam should be at around 6 months to be certain their sight is developing properly and their eyes are synchronized.
How to Correct a Lazy Eye?
When the lazy eye is caused by refractive amblyopia (the eye has unequal refractive errors), seeing normally is possible by completely correcting refractive errors in both eyes with glasses or contact lenses. More often than not, the good eye has to wear a patch to force the brain to focus on the visual input from the lazy eye and make normal vision development possible in that eye.
Treating strabismic amblyopia (lazy eye that occurs with misaligned eyes) usually includes strabismus surgery to align the eyes, accompanied by regular use of an eye patch on the dominant eye and some method of vision therapy ( particular lazy eye exercises) to assist both eyes to work simultaneously.
The child may need to wear an eye patch for a duration of time to make the brain use the lazy eye normally. If the child has a habit of taking off the eye patch, you might want to think about getting a specially designed prosthetic contact lens that stops light from entering the good eye and does not alter your child’s appearance.
Even though prosthetic contact lenses are more expensive than eye patches and a contact lens exam and fitting are needed, they work very well in difficult circumstances of amblyopia treatment when the eye patch method doesn’t work.
Another method to treat lazy eye is with atropine eye drops. They work by blurring the vision in the good eye, causing the brain to have to use the eye affected with amblyopia. This strengthens the lazy eye without using eye patches or contact lenses.
If you think your child or you are suffering from amblyopia (lazy eye), do not hesitate to contact Excel Laser Vision Institute at + (818) 907-8606 to schedule a FREE evaluation.
What Is Anisocoria?
If you carefully take a look at your eyes in a mirror, you might notice that one of your pupils is significantly bigger than the other. If that is the case, corrective eye surgery specialists claim you might have anisocoria.
What’s Anisocoria?
Anisocoria is a medical condition that causes a person’s pupil in one eye to be different in size than the other. Just to be clear, the pupils are the black circles located in the center of the eyes. Most of the time, pupils are the same size.
Corrective eye surgery specialists agree that anisocoria can be brought on by many factors. For instance, you can be born with it or develop it later in life. It is possible to experience anisocoria either on a permanent basis or just temporarily. There is the possibility that while the doctor is examining your eyes, he or she diagnoses an underlying medical condition or another cause for anisocoria.
What Causes Anisocoria?
Most of the time, mild anisocoria is normal and there isn’t any hidden illness or history of trauma that has brought it on. In most cases, these instances of anisocoria where one pupil is bigger than the other by less than 1.0 mm with no probable cause are referred to as simple anisocoria, benign anisocoria or physiologic anisocoria.
Researchers conducted a study on anisocoria in which they photographed 128 normal participants in dim light for five consecutive days. Photographs were taken daily in the morning and afternoon.
Around 52 of the participants (42 percent) had an anisocoria of 0.4 mm or more a few times during the five days the study was conducted. About 19 percent of the study’s participants showed evidence of mild anisocoria.
Anisocoria did not alternate in response to the time of day or from one day to the next. Also, it was not affected by the gender, age, or eye color of the participant.
Other studies revealed that around 20 percent of the population has mild benign anisocoria.
On the other hand, critical anisocoria has several causes, several of which are medical issues. Some reasons for significant anisocoria include the following:
- Eye trauma. Getting punched in the eye. (e.g. David Bowie)
- Some eye medications such as pilocarpine eye drops which are used to treat glaucoma can make the pupil of the treated eye smaller than the other pupil.
- An inflamed iris. Iritis (anterior uveitis) can result in anisocoria that is usually followed by severe eye pain.
- Adie’s tonic pupil. It is a benign condition that is also known as Adie’s pupil, tonic pupil, or Adie’s syndrome and usually causes one pupil to be significantly bigger than the other. The pupil that has this condition does not react to light. In many cases, the reason for Adie’s pupil is a mystery. However, it can be linked to eye trauma such as trauma from complicated corrective eye surgery, lack of blood flow (ischemia) or infection.
- Neurological disorders. Several conditions that cause damage to the nerves in the brain or spinal cord can result in anisocoria. One of the most common is Horner’s syndrome. Individuals who suffer from nervous system disorders that end up with anisocoria usually have a drooping eyelid, double vision and/or crossed eyes.
- Brain disorders that are connected with anisocoria are strokes, hemorrhage (impromptu or because of head injury) and, very rare, some tumors or infections.
What’s Horner’s Syndrome?
Horner’s syndrome is a combination of signs and symptoms that are a result of a disrupted nerve path that starts at the brain and travels to the face and eyes on one side of the body. Common signs and symptoms that a person is affected by Horner’s Syndrome are the following:
- A regularly small pupil (miosis)
- A massive difference in the pupil size between the two eyes
- Very little or lag when the affected pupil opens (dilates) in dim light
- Upper eyelid droops (ptosis)
- The eye has sunken appearance
- Lower lid lifts, sometimes known as upside-down ptosis
Normally, pupils can dilate within five seconds when the lights in a room are dimmed. A pupil infected with Horner’s syndrome usually takes 10 to 20 seconds to dilate in dim lighting or a darkened room.
Horner’s syndrome is usually brought about by an underlying medical issue, for example, a stroke, tumor, or spinal cord injury. However, corrective eye surgery specialists have seen some instances in which no cause can be found.
There is no particular treatment for Horner’s syndrome. However, if there is a link to an identified medical problem, treatment of that issue might be the solution for symptoms of Horner’s syndrome including anisocoria.
So, What About David Bowie’s Eyes?
David Bowie was an amazing singer, songwriter, and producer. Although he is famous for his music, he is also known for having particularly unique eyes. For those unfamiliar with David Bowie, he had two different colored eyes!
Many people think he had two completely different eye colors, which is a condition known as heterochromia. This is a misconception, the real reason for David Bowie’s fascinating eyes was due to anisocoria. David Bowie was born with blue eyes, but he was involved in a fight leaving one of his eyes permanently dilated. This gave the injured eye a much darker appearance.
While some wouldn’t mind looking like David Bowie, if you feel your pupils are inconsistent in size or if your symptoms persist and worsen it is best to seek medical attention immediately. If you need professional and caring corrective eye surgery advice, call Excel Laser Vision Institute at + (818) 907-8606 today.
Who Needs Cataract Surgery in Los Angeles?
Are you seeing objects less clearly? Are they appearing blurry or foggy? If yes, it might be time to schedule a consultation for cataract surgery Los Angeles to try and remedy your vision problems. Before you undergo eye surgery, here are some information to understand what cataracts are and what the best solution to help you see 20/20 again is!
What Are Cataracts?
The eye contains a natural lens which bends, or in ophthalmology terms, refracts light rays that enter the eye to help us see. This lens should be clear to have optimal vision. Normally, when the eye is healthy with a clear lens, light passes through and focuses on the retina.
When a person has cataracts, the clear lens in their eye becomes cloudy. Many patients with cataracts see things as if they were looking through a frosty or fogged-up window. When light passes through the cloudy lens, it can’t focus clearly on the retina and that causes objects to appear hazy or blurred. This clouded vision can impact reading, driving a car (especially at night) or even seeing expressions on friends’ faces. When dealing with cataracts, you must address them quickly as to avoid becoming like people who have them and experience a blurry and less colorful vision.
Unfortunately, cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over the age of 40. It is actually the main cause of blindness throughout the world! That is why it is so important to consult with a medical professional for cataract surgery in Los Angeles if you suspect you have them. The following are several common types of cataracts:
Cortical cataract: This is distinguished by white wedge-like opacities that begin in the periphery of the lens and travel towards the center in a spoke-like way. This cataract happens in the lens cortex, which is the part of the lens that encircles the central nucleus.
Nuclear cataract: This is formed deep within the nucleus of the eye’s lens. Nuclear cataracts are usually found in older patients.
Subcapsular cataract: This happens at the back of the lens. Diabetics or individuals taking high doses of steroid medications have an increased risk of developing subcapsular cataracts.
Congenital cataract: This type you are born with or develop during childhood. Congenital cataracts can be genetic or linked to an intrauterine infection or trauma. They also occur because of specific conditions such as myotonic dystrophy, galactosemia, neurofibromatosis type 2 or rubella. Some people with congenital cataracts have no issues with their vision. However, if they do, the cataracts are typically removed as soon as they are discovered.
What Are The Symptoms of Cataracts?
When you start to see the below changes in your vision, you may want to consider cataract surgery Los Angeles.
- Extra sensitivity to light
- Blurry vision
- Seeing double
- Trouble seeing at night, or you require more light when you read
- Bright colors seem faded or yellow
How Do You Get Cataracts?
The most common reason why people develop cataracts is simply due to aging. At around the age of 40, the eyes begin to deteriorate. The normal proteins in the lens begin to break down and the lens can become cloudy, though many might not experience vision complications until years later, if at all. Other causes of cataracts are the following:
- Medical conditions such as diabetes
- An eye injury, eye surgery, or radiation treatments on the upper body
- Parents, siblings or other family members who have cataracts
- Spending time in the sun without sunglasses with UV protection
- Taking medications such as corticosteroids or statins can cause early-onset cataracts
- Hypertension
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Hormone replacement therapy
- High myopia
A majority of age-related cataracts develop gradually. However, other forms of cataracts can develop rapidly, such as the types found in younger individuals or diabetics. Sadly, there isn’t a way for doctors to predict how fast a patient’s cataract will develop.
Can Lasik Surgery Correct Cataracts?
When a trained ophthalmologist discovers a patient has cataracts, many people think that LASIK is the sure solution. However, LASIK surgery often cannot correct vision loss caused by cataracts.
Cataracts worsen over time; which means cataract surgery is a more suitable option. That’s why LASIK surgery isn’t usually recommended to correct cataracts.
Despite this fact, there are exceptions. If an individual has small congenital cataracts that are steady and are not immensely affecting the person’s vision, LASIK may still be an option. Again, it all depends on the size and stability of these.
For other types of cataracts, as soon as the symptoms begin to appear, you can improve your vision for a while with a pair of new glasses, strong bifocals, magnification, the right lighting or other visual aid methods. Your doctor will consider you for surgery when your cataracts have developed to the extent that they are impairing your vision and preventing you from carrying out your daily routine.
Some people take aging and poor vision hand in hand, however, cataract surgery Los Angeles is a simple and painless procedure that can help you regain your vision and improve your life. If you think you might be suffering from cataracts or are still researching your options, call our representatives at Excel Laser Vision Institute who will be happy to help. Contact us at +1 866 923 9235 to discuss cataracts or laser eye surgery, advantages, and other aspects you are concerned about.
Can Laser Vision Correction Los Angeles Treat Double Vision?
Double vision, or diplopia, is an eye complication that has an entire range of underlying reasons why someone might experience it. It’s like waking up with a dull headache and wondering how you got it. So, before you book laser vision correction Los Angeles, read the list of causes for double vision. However, we must warn you, there are so many possibilities to consider that after reading this you might be seeing things in twos!
What Is Double Vision?
Unfortunately, many of us take for granted that when we open our eyes we see, and view our surroundings clearly and in one single image. Normal eyesight happens through a complex process that requires many parts within your eye to work harmoniously without any hitches.
A person can have double vision in just one eye or both. If you notice that you are experiencing double vision in one eye when the other one is closed, there is very little to worry about. It is still something you should point out to your doctor when you visit laser vision correction Los Angeles. However, if double vision is occurring when both of your eyes are open, it could be caused by a serious disorder.
To understand how the eye malfunctions, here is a brief and simple biology lesson on the parts of the eye and how they work as one.
You are experiencing double vision when the injured eye is open:
Cornea: Think of it as the clear window into your eye. Its primary job is to focus light. If your double vision disappears when you cover one eye, this could be a sign of a damaged cornea in the uncovered eye.
If only one cornea is distorted, you may see only double in that eye. Damage can be brought about by:
- Scars
- Dryness
- Infections, such as shingles or herpes
- Keratoconus, when the cornea turns into a cone shape
Lens: Located behind your pupil, these help focus light onto your retina.
The most common lens complications at the laser vision correction Los Angeles are cataracts, which can usually be treated with surgery.
You are experiencing double vision when both eyes are open:
Muscles: They manage eye movement and help control them so they are aligned with each other. Whenever you notice a person’s eye is not moving in sync with the other, that is due to weak muscles in one eye unable to keep up with the other. When this happens, looking into a direction that the weak muscle is controlling will lead you to see double. Eye muscle issues can be caused by any of the following:
- A complication with the nerves that control them.
- Graves’ disease, a thyroid condition that disturbs eye muscles. This can result in vertical diplopia, which is when the person sees one image on top of the other.
- Myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease that prevents nerves from telling muscles what to do. Early symptoms are double vision and drooping eyelids.
Nerves: These are the messengers that convey information from your brain to your eyes. Any issues with them can create double vision:
- Multiple sclerosis can negatively influence the nerves in your brain or spinal cord. If the illness damages the nerves that manage the eye, you may start to see double.
- Guillain-Barre syndrome is a nerve condition that results in paralysis. The initial symptoms are usually in the eyes, including double vision.
- Diabetes can bring about nerve damage to the muscles that are responsible for moving your eyes. This could also result in double vision.
Brain: The nerves that manage your eyes link straight to your brain, where images are processed. Many reasons for double vision begin in the brain. Here are some examples:
- Brain tumors
- Migraine headaches
- Strokes
- Aneurysms
- Extreme pressure inside the brain caused by trauma, bleeding, or infection
What Are The Symptoms Of Double Vision?
The symptoms for double vision really depend on the cause, but if you have it, you may notice the following:
- Nausea
- Headache
- Droopy eyelids
- Weakness in your eyes or elsewhere
- Pain around your eyes, such as your temples or eyebrows
- Pain when you move your eye
- Misalignment of one or both eyes, such as a wandering eye or cross-eye presence
Since there are so many reasons for seeing double, it’s important to find out why you can’t see just one image.
As is standard procedure, your doctor might use several methods to determine what is causing your double vision. This can be done through blood tests, a physical exam, or imaging tests like computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Also, another effective tool the doctor has on hand is you! Be honest when answering your medical practitioner’s questions which could include the following:
When did you begin to see double?
Were you involved in a car accident?
At any time recently, have you hit your head, fallen or been unconscious?
Do you feel the double vision is worse after a long day, or when you are exhausted?
Are you experiencing other symptoms besides double vision?
Do you find you have to tilt your head to one side to view objects properly?
Do you have double vision in both eyes or just when one eye is open?
Can Lasik Surgery Fix Double Vision?
When you start to experience double vision, it’s important to try to eliminate any potential causes. For instance, stop drinking excessively, walk away from your computer screen every hour to refresh your eyes, or use drops to lubricate dry eyes.
When all is said and done, there are restricted cases in which LASIK can be used to correct double vision. It isn’t a straightforward issue and a consultation from an experienced, board-certified ophthalmologist and respected Lasik surgeon such as Dr. Ferzaad Moosa is necessary. If you are seeing double, contact Excel Laser Vision Institute at + (818) 907-8606 now to schedule a FREE evaluation and see if you’re a good candidate for LASIK treatment!
Last-Minute Tips Before Going to Your Lasik Eye Center in Los Angeles for Surgery
Everything is almost ready for your upcoming surgery at your Lasik eye center in Los Angeles. You’ve done your research, chosen an experienced Lasik surgeon, and made financing arrangements. As you wait for the big day, there are some things you should cross off your preparation checklist to make the operation as smooth and hassle-free as possible.
6 Last-Minute Tips for Lasik Surgery
Lasik surgery typically takes just a few minutes of precise, computer-controlled laser surgery to reshape the cornea and restore clear eyesight. With over a 95% success rate, it’s one of the safest and most effective ways to correct myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, and other refractive errors.
Complications from the procedure are extremely rare, and recovery is usually fast and painless. Here are several steps you can take to make the process easier before and after your surgery:
- Stop wearing your contact lenses around two weeks before the procedure.
Contacts tend to reshape corneas, so Lasik surgeons recommend that patients stop wearing them to allow the eyes to return to their normal state.
- Apply your prescription eye drops.
Your eye surgeon may recommend prescription eye drops for dry eyes before your surgery. Make sure you follow the application routine. This will help prevent discomfort after the procedure and assist the healing process.
- Have someone pick you up from the clinic.
Your eyes will be extra sensitive after the surgery. Avoid exposing your eyes to road glare, harsh lights, and strain by arranging for someone to drive or accompany you home from the Lasik eye center in Los Angeles.
- Take a bath and wash your hair the day of your procedure.
To protect your sensitive eyes from water and soap, avoid taking direct showers for at least a week after the procedure. Take a thorough bath and wash your hair right before your surgery.
- Ask a friend or relative to take care of your pets while you recover.
You will have to take it slow and rest as much as you can the first few days after getting corrective eye surgery. If you have pets, consider asking a friend or relative to take them in for a while. This ensures that your pets get walked and fed while you recover from the operation. This also minimizes the risk of exposing your eyes to the sun and pet hair.
- Shop ahead for groceries and prepare food.
Preparing several meals that will last a few days after your surgery ensures that you’re eating healthy meals to aid your recovery. It will also help you avoid standing over a hot stove or oven right after getting Lasik.
Begin Your Journey to Crystal Clear Vision
Now that you’re done with your preparations, the only thing left is to go in for your Lasik surgery appointment. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying perfect vision without the need for glasses or contacts for many years to come!
Still researching your options? Our representatives here at Excel Laser Vision Institute would be happy to help. Call us at +1 866 923 9235 to discuss laser eye surgery cost, benefits, and other factors that will affect your procedure.
Sharpen Your Eyesight for Shooting Sports with Corrective Eye Surgery
Poor eyesight is a critical impairment in shooting sports. Without proper vision, your ability to pinpoint your target and calculate the force and distance to hit it is diminished. Conventional treatments such as glasses and contacts won’t cut it, especially when it comes to fast-paced shooting sports like paintball. This is where corrective eye surgery comes into play.
Corrective eye procedures like Lasik will allow you to compete unimpeded with vision issues. They can treat myopia, hyperopia, and other refractive eye problems.
Keep Your Abilities Unaffected With Lasik Eye Surgery
Get excellent eyesight for years without the upkeep hassles and misplacement risks that come with prescription glasses and contact lenses. Have your vision corrected with laser surgery to improve your participation in these vision-focused activities:
- Darts – When it comes to playing darts, you need to visually zero in on the target. Having a clear vision will help you reduce the margin of errors and enhance your throwing accuracy.
- Archery – Aiming at a target requires excellent eyesight. Blurred vision and compromised depth perception can ruin your chances of hitting your mark. Get Lasik surgery to keep your eyes keen without relying on cumbersome glasses and contacts.
- Gun Shooting Sports – Aiming at a target is easy even with compromised vision. Hitting it accurately, however, is another story. To get a clear shot, you need to have 20/20 vision. Clear eyesight will help your ace accuracy and give you further ability to ace your sport.
- Paintball – Paintball involves fast-paced movement. Keen eyesight is crucial in this sport, not only to avoid getting hit but also to shoot moving targets.
While you can partake in these physical activities with contact lenses or glasses, having laser corrected eye will lessen your dependence on these visual aids.
Corrective Eye Surgery Technology
While refractive eye surgery doesn’t come cheap, it’s an investment in your future visual performance and will pay off in the long run. This is why, just like in your favorite shooting sport, you should seek out your target surgeon with ample awareness and preparations.
Lasik surgery costs vary depending on the procedure and the doctor in charge of the operation. Here are some of the instruments used by practitioners of the best laser eye surgery in Los Angeles:
- VisuMax Laser
A groundbreaking instrument designed for eye correction surgery, the VisuMax laser cuts the cornea precisely while gently applying the treatment. It covers a wide array of corneal surgery techniques, including precise cutting for Femto-Lasik, corneal transplants, incisions for intracorneal tunnel segments, and ReLEx SMILE.
- WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser
The latest, FDA-approved WaveLight EX500 reduces corneal dehydration, minimizes fixation fatigue, and gives way to perfect centration during the procedure. Its cutting-edge abilities include:
- Highest precision eye-tracking technology
- Fastest speed for excimer laser at 500Hz
- Can carry out topography-guided Lasik
Perfect Your Aim with Keen Eyes
With precise laser instruments that hit their corneal targets and surgeries led by experienced ophthalmologists, you can sharpen your eyesight with corrective eye surgery. Get the procedure to hit the bullseye in your sport.
For cutting edge and precise Lasik in Orange County and Los Angeles, Excel Laser Vision Institute is the clinic you can count on. With board-certified ophthalmologist and respected Lasik surgeon Dr. Ferzaad Moosa at the helm, you’ll get the clear vision you deserve. Call + (818) 907-8606 now to schedule a FREE evaluation!
Lasik in Los Angeles: The Better Alternative to Contacts for Astigmatism
Astigmatism is one of the most common vision problems in the US, affecting one in three Americans. Most people rely solely on contact lenses to correct the blurred vision stemming from the eye condition, not knowing that there are better alternatives available. Lasik in Los Angeles is one such option.
Lasik surgery remains one of the best ways to correct astigmatism, especially opposed to contact lenses, when you consider the disadvantages of being reliant on contacts for clear vision.
What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is an imperfection in eye curvature, also known as a refractive error. Healthy, normal eyes are curved like a baseball. For people with astigmatism, however, the curve resembles the back of a spoon or an egg. This curvature imperfection can occur in the cornea or the lens, and can manifest in one or both eyes.
Individuals with astigmatism suffer from blurred vision at all distances. If left untreated, this condition can interfere with day to day activities such as driving. Common symptoms include:
- Distorted vision
- Headaches
- Squinting
- Eyestrain
- Impaired night vision
Note that astigmatism doesn’t improve on its own. It generally gets worse over time with age, health decline, and in conjunction with other vision issues such as nearsightedness and farsightedness. Astigmatism can be treated with prescription glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.
Disadvantages of Wearing Contacts for Astigmatism
For many, contact lenses offer a quick and inexpensive way to correct astigmatism. Prescription contact lenses are readily available and effective in temporarily restoring clear eyesight. Unlike glasses, contacts don’t hide their wearer’s facial features.
However, contact lenses come with significant disadvantages that can make them an unsustainable solution, such as:
- Can slip off the eye center
- Needs to be worn all the time to maintain sight clarity
- Gathers debris and dirt under the lenses
- Requires frequent follow-up care
- Does not correct related vision problems
- May not provide sharp vision
- Difficult to handle, wear, and clean
- Wears out quickly
- Easy to lose
On top of these, it can be too much for some people to reach into their eyes and insert their contacts. Fail to follow the strict lens-wearing and replacement schedule, and you’ll become vulnerable to eye irritation and other serious eye health risks. The costs of buying new contacts as your prescription changes or as a replacement for lost ones can also add up over time.
Advantages of Lasik in Los Angeles for Astigmatism
Lasik surgery presents a more convenient way to correct astigmatism without the hassles associated with contact lenses. Your Lasik surgeon in Orange County will use ultra-precise lasers to reshape the cornea so that the corneal curve becomes more symmetrical. This effectively eliminates eyesight problems related to astigmatism.
Here are some advantages that make Lasik the better choice over contact lenses or eyeglasses when it comes to treating astigmatism:
- No frames or lenses to obstruct your vision
- Does not get splattered by rain or mud
- Will not fog up or collect debris and dirt
- Can correct other vision issues such as myopia
- Long-term improved eyesight
- Minimal complications and fast recovery time
- No risk of loss or misplacement
- Gives you greater freedom when active
- Improves night vision
For the right candidate, there are almost no downsides in choosing Lasik surgery for astigmatism. Better yet, the sooner you can undergo the procedure, the longer you can enjoy clearer vision for years to come. To learn more about Lasik surgery cost, qualifications, and other concerns, call Excel Laser Vision Institute at + (818) 907-8606 to talk to a Lasik surgeon today!
The Advantages of Corrective Eye Surgery vs. Eyeglasses for Drivers
Many drivers who struggle with eye problems try to compensate by wearing eyeglasses behind the wheel. However, this presents its own problems since visual issues can change over time, and eyeglasses don’t always address such developments, among other things. Stay safe when driving by choosing the permanent, proven benefits of corrective eye surgery instead.
Signs of Eyesight Problems while Driving
Eyesight issues typically develop over time, which means it can sneak up on drivers who don’t immediately notice the effects of their deteriorating eyesight. These questions can help you determine whether your vision needs intervention:
- Do you find it difficult to drive at night?
- Do you get agitated, anxious, or confused while on the road?
- Do you struggle to read traffic lights, street signs, and highway signs?
- Do lights, especially at night, appear with halos or glares?
- Do you find it hard to drive at the speed limit?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then you might be a great candidate for corrective eye surgery. Eyeglasses might offer a quick fix, but the long-term advantages of Lasik surgery make it the best option for drivers.
Advantages of Lasik Surgery over Eyeglasses
Eyeglasses may clarify your vision while you’re wearing them, but the unique visual challenges of driving can make them an unsuitable choice. Corrective eye surgery from an excellent Lasik eye center in Los Angeles offers a better alternative for drivers for these reasons:
- It does not add another layer of glass to your line of sight.
Car windshields, especially when it’s raining, are already hard to look through if you’re suffering from visual issues. It becomes doubly difficult to see the road clearly when you’ve got another layer of glass adding to the challenge.
Lasik surgery removes the need for eyeglasses or contacts by restoring your perfect vision, allowing you to focus on the road ahead without additional obstructions.
- It reduces the risk of glare.
Glasses easily catch glare, especially when you’re driving under direct sunlight or looking at street lights and car headlights at night, making it hard to see objects and other vehicles.
Since its results aren’t reliant on eyeglasses, laser eye surgery dramatically reduces the incidence of glare. The procedure also diminishes similar issues such as halos and blurriness when driving at night.
- It treats vision problems correctly.
It can still be difficult to identify road signs while wearing glasses, especially if you have the wrong prescription or your current one does not properly address your specific visual conditions. Eye problems like astigmatism or myopia often require prescription changes once every two years.
Before undergoing corrective eye surgery, your Lasik surgeon will first diagnose the exact eye issue you have. Coupled with a stable prescription for at least one year, laser eye surgery brings back your clear eyesight by correcting the vision problem itself. It doesn’t just address the symptoms of your visual issues the way eyeglasses do.
- It improves your visual skills.
Since visual issues tend to worsen over time, regular eyeglasses prescription updates are a must. Otherwise, your eyeglasses can contribute to the deterioration of your general vision, especially those that are critical for driving such as field of vision, color vision, night vision, depth perception, and more.
This problem is removed when you choose laser surgery —you get to practice your visualization skills to the fullest without worrying about a worsening prescription.
Improve Driving and Road Safety with Lasik Surgery
Stay safe when driving by restoring clear eyesight! If you’re struggling with driving due to your vision, visit a Lasik eye center instead of reaching for your eyeglasses. Consult the best Lasik surgeons in Los Angeles here at Excel Laser Vision Institute to determine the best treatment for your vision problem. Call us today at + (818) 907-8606 to set an appointment!
Understanding the Lasik Eye Surgery Cost for Correcting Astigmatism
Laser eye surgery continues to be one of the most effective, long-term ways to correct astigmatism. However, many people still hesitate to undergo the procedure because of the Lasik eye surgery cost and PRK surgery cost. Do not be mistaken. Despite the large upfront cost of laser eye surgery, it remains one of the cost-effective alternatives to eyeglasses and contact lenses.
Plus, it can significantly improve your quality of life through its inherent advantages. If you are looking to make your life more convenient and fulfilling, then laser eye surgery can certainly play a role in that goal.
Why Lasik is More Cost-Effective for Astigmatism
Compared to the initial investment of laser eye surgery, eyeglasses and contact lenses may seem like the cheaper way to correct astigmatism. However, most people are not aware of how much they truly spend over the years with these temporary fixes:
- The cost of eyeglasses includes both the price of frames on top of the prescription. Pricing for contact lenses, on the other hand, includes the type of contacts and the kind of solution you’ll use. Expect to pay for a new set every two years since prescriptions typically change over time.
- You’ll also have to replace your eyeglasses if you lose or break them, something that many wearers are familiar with. Want a specific look for your pair? Designer eyeglasses are even more expensive than their basic counterparts.
- Over a lifetime, the cost of eyeglasses and contacts can run up to thousands of dollars, and all that without fixing your eyesight for good.
Now, the Lasik eye surgery cost and PRK eye surgery cost may look bigger upfront, but factor in the average cost of eyeglasses or contacts, and Lasik comes out as the more cost-effective alternative. Better yet, it often takes only one surgery to get rid of your astigmatism for good and give you perfect eyesight for a lifetime. So, when you think of the cost of laser eye surgery, you must think of it as an investment over time. There are ways to offset the cost with things like flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts; however, you must check your eligibility for these programs through your insurance and through the LASIK eye center.
Many LASIK and PRK eye clinics in Orange County also offer financing packages and payment plans to make the procedure more affordable, so be sure to ask your laser eye surgeon about your options for treating astigmatism.
What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is a refractive error that occurs when the cornea, or the front of the eye, has a dual curvature.
The normal eye shape is supposed to be round, similar to a soccer ball. This allows light to enter the eye in only one ray, letting it focus on a single point at the retina (the tissue at the back of the eye that’s sensitive to light). These produce clear images for those without astigmatism.
In contrast, the eye shape of someone with astigmatism is closer to a rugby ball. The light enters in two points instead of one, resulting in fuzzy or blurred vision.
Many people live with some degree of this common condition. For most, however, mild astigmatism does not need correction since it does not cause eyesight problems. Interventions like eyeglasses, contacts, and Lasik in Los Angeles are only warranted when astigmatism causes distorted vision.
There are many LASIK eye surgery patients that come in with both astigmatism and nearsightedness or farsightedness. Prescriptions must be precise in order to fix both these refractive errors in one lens and, even then, can be imperfect. That’s why many patients appreciate the long-term effectiveness of laser eye surgery. Say goodbye to temporary frames and contacts! Say hello to clear vision!
How Lasik Works for Astigmatism
The Lasik surgeon uses a laser to correct the curvature of the eye by removing a bit of corneal tissue. The goal is to make the eye rounder so the light can focus at a single point on the retina, thus restoring clear eyesight.
Who can have laser surgery for astigmatism?
Lasik has a ground-breaking 95% success rate, better than any other elective procedure today. To determine a person’s eligibility for laser eye surgery, Lasik surgeons in Orange County refer to a list of criteria. A good candidate should:
- Have a stable prescription for one year or longer
- Have a sufficiently thick cornea
- Have pupils of the right size
- Not be pregnant
- Be in general good health
- Be 18 years old and above
After a comprehensive examination, your surgeon will be able to tell you if your degree and type of astigmatism can be improved by laser eye surgery and, if so, will be able to discuss LASIK and PRK surgery costs. Aside from astigmatism, LASIK surgery is also an excellent treatment option for myopia and farsightedness.
Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery for Astigmatism
Compared to eyeglasses and contact lenses, the advantages of Lasik eye surgery are unmatched when treating astigmatism and other eyesight issues. They include:
- Restores near perfect or perfect vision for most people
- Fast recovery time with minimal complications
- Permanent clear eyesight
- Removes the need for contacts or eyeglasses
Patients of laser eye surgery often boast having a vision that is better than they’ve ever been able to achieve with their contacts or glasses. It’s truly a life-changing procedure that can allow people the freedom of independent, unimpaired vision. Whether you’re a single parent, a freelancing artist, or a firefighter, laser eye surgery can significantly impact your quality of life. LASIK has allowed many people to follow the career, hobby, or lifestyle that they’ve always wanted to lead at an affordable price.
Are you ready to see the world with clear eyes? Schedule a consultation with one of our eye surgeons here at Excel Laser Vision Institute through our Contact Page or call us at +1 866 923 9235 for inquiries. We use the latest technology available with knowledgeable staff and a Harvard-trained surgeon at the ready. Get the vision you deserve with our LASIK and PRK specialists in Los Angeles.