Let’s Discuss the Finer Points of LASIK Eye Surgery
These days, most people understand that those who are the best candidates for corrective eye surgery have vision problems that are less than detrimental. That means if you have mild nearsightedness, you could very well benefit from laser eye surgery Orange County. Those with more serious vision defects, like severe nearsightedness or farsightedness, should understand that the results will be less predictable. Those that are choosing to have the surgery, though, are curious. They want to know more about exactly what will be happening to them, and that is what we will endeavor to answer.
The term “LASIK,” at this point in history, actually refers to several different sorts of refractive laser surgery. Problems with vision often come about when the human eye attempts to focus vision on the back of the retina. With common vision problems, they end up being focused elsewhere, which causes blurry vision. Reshaping the cornea is the best form of correction. This will allow the images to be refracted as they would in a normally functioning eye.
Before any LASIK procedure, the surgeon will take a series of measurements, designed to map the eye, and see where the corneal correction should take place. Then, they will use a surgical laser to alter the shape of the cornea. The corneal tissue will be removed, allowing the cornea to be either flatter or steeper, depending on what would be most beneficial. In most cases, the surgeon will create a flap in the cornea and then raise it up, which allows for the reshaping associated with better vision. It may be a very thin flap that is raised, or the surgeon may forego creating the flap entirely. This is all dependent on the nature of an individual’s vision problem.
All of this may be sounding a little scary. After all, this is your eye we’re talking about, and the thought process associated with being shot in the eye with a laser is probably not a comfortable one. However, if you have decided to have this procedure, it is helpful to remember that using lasers for surgery these days is by no means exclusive to the eye. There are many surgeries for different body parts where the precise nature of a laser cut is the best possible way to ensure the patient’s safety. It’s okay to be a little bit nervous, but think about the likely benefits that will follow. Better vision is what you’re looking to achieve, and you’ll be thankful every day that you went through with it.
Laser Eye Surgery Might Be for You
There are plenty of people who are fed up with wearing corrective lenses or eyeglasses. It’s understandable. Having to remember one’s glasses when going out or losing a contact lens can be irritating. With options out there like laser eye surgery Orange County, residents have been asking their ophthalmologists if now might be the right time to try for a more permanent solution to their vision problems. So, how does one know if LASIK is a viable option for them?
Probably the biggest thing to remember is that if you have eye problems, LASIK might be helpful, but it’s not going to be a complete miracle cure. If you decide to have the procedure, then it’s possible you may still need glasses when you get older, at least for activities like driving at night or reading. The best candidates for LASIK are those who have astigmatism, also known as blurry vision, farsightedness (hyperopia), and nearsightedness (myopia). As for whether an individual is a good candidate, you’ll always want to have a trusted ophthalmologist take a look at your eyes, and make an assessment.
If your ophthalmologist feels that you might benefit from LASIK, then you’ll be sent to an eye surgeon. The prospect of having surgery on one’s eyes might seem daunting to some, but the good news is that this procedure has become increasingly common. At this point, tens of thousands of people have had it, and it’s unusual for there to be any significant complications. The surgeon will take measurements of your eye, then they will use a specially developed cutting laser to change your cornea’s curvature. The laser beam pulses gently, removing the smallest amount of corneal tissue. The corneal damage takes three or four days to heal, and there is a little blurred vision or moderate pain sometimes reported.
Most people notice the benefits very quickly. Sharper vision is reported almost immediately after the brief recovery period. A post-operative appointment is scheduled, and your vision is measured again, but most patients report being able to see much better under optimal conditions, and at least somewhat better in less-than-optimal situations, like on foggy days, or when there is low light.
The decision to get this procedure, or not, must be made individually. However, there is no doubt that for many in and around Orange County, laser eye surgery is proving to be a wise choice. If your vision is problematic, consult with your ophthalmologist, and ask if it might be right for you.
LASIK Surgeons on the Most Effective Treatment for Refractive Error
Around 90 percent of the information that the brain receives is delivered by the eyes. This means you owe to your eyes much of your knowledge of the world around you. The eyes are the fastest-moving and somehow the most extensively used organs in the body. So it’s only right that you take good care of your eyes at all times. (more…)
LASIK Surgery: How It Can Help Correct Refractive Error for Good
Worldwide, over 624 million people are suffering from vision impairment due to refractive error. When left uncorrected, this condition can worsen and affect a person’s ability to function optimally and engage in activities of daily living. Thanks to modern technology, refractive error can now be treated by using wearable lenses or through surgery. (more…)
Life After Laser Eye Surgery: Is LASIK Really a Permanent Solution?
Despite plenty of scientific evidence and patient testimonials that hold laser eye surgery in high esteem, some LASIK myths just don’t seem to go away. For instance, many people still think that the results produced by this form of laser eye surgery only last for a few years or that this procedure is dangerous. These ideas are simply not true. When searching for laser eye surgery near Orange County, many patients should schedule a consultation with a LASIK surgeon in order to learn the truth about the procedure.
Why a LASIK Surgeon Might Advise Patients Not to Rush to Have the Procedure Done
With FDA approval and a high patient satisfaction rate, LASIK is perhaps the most well-known method of vision correction out there. Nevertheless, those interested in this procedure would do well to remember that it is still a form of refractive surgery. As any board-certified LASIK surgeon in Orange County will tell you, it is not for everyone. (more…)
Pre-Operative Examination for Laser Eye Surgery on Your First LASIK Consultation
No responsible practicing ophthalmologist will ever recommend laser eye surgery in Orange County to anyone without conducting a comprehensive eye examination first. An experienced surgeon will put in the extra effort to ensure the safety of his patient above all else before and during the procedure. This is what separates skilled LASIK eye surgery providers in Orange County, CA from those who are only out to make a quick buck. (more…)
Cataracts: Signs that You Should Schedule Cataract Surgery ASAP
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, roughly 25.7 million American adults above the age of 40 have developed cataracts. As such, it isn’t too surprising that cataract surgery in Los Angeles is one of the most common elective procedures performed in the United States. (more…)
LASIK Eye Surgery Is Now a Lot Safer than Wearing Contact Lenses
Up until recently, many people believed that LASIK eye surgery comes with more risks to patients compared to wearing contact lenses. Researchers from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), however, have proven this wrong in their latest study. According to their research, chances of developing complications from contact lenses is higher than that of people who opt for vision correction surgery. (more…)
Important Signs It May Be Time to Undergo LASIK Surgery in Los Angeles
LASIK surgery can often be intimidating for many people. After all, the procedure calls for the use of a special laser to correct vision errors in the eyes. However, there is no denying that laser eye surgery in Los Angeles has been a scientific and medical marvel over the last few decades, restoring the vision of millions of people. (more…)