How Diabetes Affect Eyesight?
If you have diabetes, you understand how difficult it can be to keep track of all the variables. Nearly every aspect of your life contributes to keeping your blood sugar under control. Failure to do so can endanger organs such as your heart, kidneys, and nerves. High blood sugar levels can also impair your vision. That’s why when it comes to managing your diabetes, you should be aware of how diabetes affects your vision and your risk of diabetic eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. You should also ensure that you have annual comprehensive eye exams with your ophthalmologist to stay on top of your overall eye health.
A general overview of the correlation between diabetes and eyesight from our Los Angeles LASIK experts.
As you already know, diabetes impairs your body’s ability to use or produce insulin effectively in order to control blood sugar (glucose) levels. High blood sugar levels can harm several different parts of your body, and this includes the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels.
Along with these vital organs, high blood sugar levels can harm your eyes in a variety of ways. This can result in damage to the tiny blood vessels in your eyes as well as fluid accumulation on the retina. If left undiagnosed or untreated, you may suffer irreversible vision damage or even blindness.
Fortunately for diabetics, 9 out of 10 percent of vision loss caused by diabetes can be avoided if detected early. The issue is that 2 out of 3 diabetics do not have regular eye exams. If you want to avoid diabetes-related blindness, early detection is critical. However, you must ensure that you receive the proper type of exam or you risk developing diabetic eye disease.
Do I qualify for Los Angeles LASIK if I have type 1 or type 2 diabetes?
There is no straightforward answer to this question. You will need to come in for a consultation appointment to not only evaluate the quality of your current eyesight, but also your blood pressure, and answer questions about medications you are taking as well as any other significant health conditions you are experiencing. Unfortunately, if your diabetes has truly affected your eyesight, you may not qualify for LASIK. It is critical that you are 100% honest with the Los Angeles LASIK surgeon, otherwise, you will put yourself at great medical risk. Luckily for you, consultation appointments at Excel Eye are completely free of charge.
Key Considerations for Diabetic Patients Considering LASIK:
1. Stability of Vision:
Diabetic patients need to have a stable prescription for at least a year prior to LASIK surgery. Fluctuations in blood glucose levels can lead to changes in vision, so stability is crucial for accurate corneal reshaping.
2. Control of Diabetes:
Good control of diabetes is vital. Patients considering LASIK should have well-documented control of their blood sugar levels, as confirmed by their primary care physician or endocrinologist. This stability reduces the risk of postoperative complications and improves healing.
3. Thorough Ocular Examination:
At Excel Laser Vision Institute, Doctor Ferzaad Moosa conducts comprehensive ocular health assessments to identify any diabetes-related complications, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular edema, which could impact the safety or outcome of LASIK surgery.
4. Risk of Complications:
Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of infections and slower healing after any surgical procedure, including LASIK. Detailed discussions with Doctor Moosa regarding the risks and benefits will help ensure that every patient makes an educated decision.
5. Post-Surgery Considerations:
Following LASIK, diabetic patients require close monitoring to manage any complications promptly. Doctor Moosa and the team at Excel Laser Vision Institute provide tailored post-operative care plans to address the specific needs of diabetic patients, ensuring optimal recovery and results.
The Role of Advanced Technology at Excel Laser Vision Institute
Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, such as the VisuMax® laser and the WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser, Doctor Moosa ensures precise and customized vision correction tailored to the unique needs of diabetic patients. These advanced technologies help minimize the risk and maximize the effectiveness of LASIK for patients with complex health backgrounds.
Want to find out if you’re a candidate for Los Angeles LASIK? Schedule a free consultation appointment today!
For diabetic patients in Los Angeles considering LASIK surgery, consulting with a knowledgeable and experienced LASIK surgeon like Doctor Ferzaad Moosa is crucial. At Excel Laser Vision Institute, we prioritize patient safety and personalized care, ensuring that all aspects of your health are considered before proceeding with surgery. If you’re managing diabetes and contemplating LASIK, let us guide you through your options for achieving clearer vision safely and effectively.
Everything You Need To Know About The SMILE LASIK Procedure
For more than 30 years, LASIK has been used in refractive laser eye surgery in Los Angeles. Additional techniques are also available for better options like the small incision lenticule extraction, also known as SMILE. SMILE is a refractive surgery procedure that offers similar results to advanced LASIK. However, compared to LASIK, this procedure has limited issues. This procedure can be performed using the VisuMax equipment. Learn more about this procedure as shared by experts from the LASIK eye center in Los Angeles.
The SMILE procedure is known best for people with dry and irritated eyes. Using this procedure for vision correctness can decrease the disruption on the surface of the eyes, which could bring discomfort to the patient. SMILE gives a more gentle healing process on the ocular surface compared with other procedures. The procedure is also recommended for athletes or sports-oriented people. The SMILE process is not a flap-based procedure which is also an advantage for those who do not want that kind of treatment. This process can be performed using one laser system like the WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser. The SMILE procedure is a promising treatment for those who want to undergo a vision correction process.
In addition to the benefits of SMILE procedure mentioned previously, it is also known that this process utilizes a smaller incision. Approximately 4mm or a smaller incision is made for the procedure. The small incision offers less disruption to the nerves located at the cornea. Disruption of these nerves could lead to denervation, which could cause the dryness of the eye. The effect of this step (i.e., the smaller incision) is more prominent during the early postoperative period, where there is significantly less dryness in the eye observed compared to the LASIK procedure. In addition, there is less possibility of flap complications. Overall, SMILE offers a better way towards the biomechanical stability of the cornea.
Before choosing an option for vision correction, it is better to determine the risks and benefits offered by the procedure. The risk associated with SMILE procedures includes inflammation, clouded vision, dry eyes, and incomplete tissue removal.
Incomplete Tissue Removal
The SMILE surgery implements the separation and extraction of tissue from the mid-cornea layer. This step is unique to this technique which could add complications to the incomplete removal of tissue. If there is corneal debris left in the performed area, this could lead to abrasion, incisional tears, and adhesions. However, this debris can be flushed out using non-invasive treatments. Debris symptoms are temporary but could affect the recovery period and could lead to complications.
Inflammation is another risk which is a natural consequence for those undergoing an invasive procedure. This risk can affect the healing period, and SMILE has a greater potential for post-op inflammation than LASIK. Patients undergoing SMILE procedure should communicate with experts in LASIK Los Angeles if they have inflammation after the operation.
Hazy Vision
There is also a greater chance of having a hazy vision for those undergoing the SMILE procedure. People who undergo this operation mostly observe blurry vision and light sensitivity. These symptoms are usually observed during the first few months after the surgery.
The last symptom on the list is dry eyes. Dry eyes are common for those undergoing laser surgery. However, compared to other procedures, SMILE patients tend to have less dry eyes than those undergoing LASIK. This is because the SMILE approach creates fewer disruptions in the corneal nerves, which is related to post-op dry eye problems.
The SMILE procedure is a promising option for those who want to undergo LASIK in Los Angeles. This laser eye surgery has its own benefits and risks, which are common for any operation procedure. There are factors to consider when choosing the procedure you want for vision correctness, such as benefits, risks, and LASIK eye surgery cost. It is always important to weigh these factors before undergoing the operation. To further understand and give you enlightenment, it is recommended to always seek professional advice. Experts at the Lasik eye center in Los Angeles can help you choose the appropriate procedure for you.
LASIK or Smile? Which Procedure Will Keep You Grinning?
If you, like millions of others, suffer from nearsightedness, you may be contemplating whether you should undergo SMILE or Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery. While each of these procedures deals with refractive problems, the methods used to treat them differ slightly. You can contact a highly reputable Los Angeles LASIK eye center such as Excel Eye to see if you are eligible for either of these procedures. LASIK is a popular vision repair surgery that has received high praise from doctors and patients. While SMILE is a newcomer to the industry, it quickly establishes itself as a formidable opponent. In September 2016, the FDA approved SMILE for use in the United States, and the surgery has produced such positive results that the SMILE Relex vs. LASIK controversy has erupted.
Here is what you should know:
What Exactly is SMILE Laser Surgery?
Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) is an acronym for small incision lenticule extraction. A VisuMax femtosecond laser is used to conduct the surgery. The surgeon uses a femtosecond laser to generate a small, lens-shaped piece of tissue called a lenticular within the cornea during a SMILE operation. Following that, a small arc-shaped incision is produced on the cornea’s surface with the same laser, and the surgeon extracts and disposes of the lenticular through this incision.
When the little lenticule is removed, the shape of the cornea changes, correcting nearsightedness, according to a Los Angeles laser eye surgery specialist. The corneal incision heals without stitches in a few days, and more precise vision appears almost immediately. Nearsightedness can correct nearsightedness of up to -10.00 diopters (D) with SMILE laser eye surgery candidates must be at least 22 years old, have no more than -0.50 D of astigmatism, and have had their eyeglass prescription stable for at least 12 months to be eligible for SMILE eye laser surgery.
Who is a Good Candidate for LASIK?
A patient’s corneal thickness must be sufficient for your eye surgeon to consider you a good candidate for LASIK. The reason for this is that during your procedure, a flap is formed. As a result, a particular corneal thickness is required, and LASIK eye surgery is not accessible to individuals with thin or uneven corneas. Patients with thin or uneven corneas are usually better candidates for SMILE or PRK. SMILE may be preferable if a patient is prone to prolonged dry eye issues. LASIK increases a patient’s previously chronic dry eye problem by increasing the risk of postoperative dry eye symptoms.
Pros of SMILE
According to studies, SMILE produces about the same visual acuity as LASIK for the treatment of nearsightedness without requiring a LASIK-style corneal flap to be created by the surgeon. Except for one participant, all 328 who underwent the SMILE treatment had uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of 20/40 or better following surgery, and 88% had UCVA of 20/20 or higher. Furthermore, compared to LASIK, there is evidence that SMILE has a lower incidence of dry eye issues. There could be several reasons for this, including that SMILE is performed within the cornea without a huge corneal flap, affecting fewer corneal nerves.
The small SMILE incision may also help the cornea have better biomechanical stability after SMILE, as opposed to its ability to preserve its form after LASIK, especially the following damage. Finally, if you have a significant degree of nearsightedness, you may need enhancement surgery after LASIK to achieve the clarity of vision you desire without glasses. Because there is less dryness of the cornea during the SMILE treatment, there appears to be a lower likelihood of requiring another procedure after SMILE for correction.
Does SMILE Have Any Downsides Compared to LASIK?
SMILE has many advantages, but it does have one disadvantage: it cannot be used to correct farsightedness or astigmatism at this time. As a result, SMILE is for you if you have nearsightedness and your eye surgeon believes it is the best option for you. Plus, unlike LASIK, visual recovery takes a little longer. A patient can have immediate vision recovery after a Los Angeles LASIK treatment; however, SMILE’s visual recovery can take one to two days.
If you want to learn more about SMILE vs. LASIK or your nearsightedness, including the specifics of the procedure or the cost of LASIK eye surgery, please get in touch with our Encino or our Brea office today.
The Deadly Dangers of Driving at Night
Did you know that most car accidents in the United States happen in the dead of night? In fact, according to the National Safety Council, 50% of fatal car accidents happen at night even though humans only spend a quarter of their lives driving at that time.
Below are the main reasons why driving at night is so dangerous.
You See Less at Night
Unless you’re a cat with enhanced vision in the dark, it’s extremely difficult to see things at night, even with perfect vision. Your headlights can only illuminate things to a certain extent—you’re still bound to miss certain road features like curves, potholes, sidewalks, and other things that can potentially harm you and your car.
Even worse, it’s a lot harder to see animals and people. How many horror stories have you heard about deer or moose suddenly appearing out of nowhere while you were driving at night? Not only can driving at night be dangerous to you, but it can also be dangerous for others—it’s a lose-lose situation for everybody.
You Have a Slower Reaction Time
Because your eyes see less at night, your body has less time to react to certain things. This is especially grimmer because people tend to drive faster at night—with less traffic around, people feel more confident about speeding.
This combination of slower reaction time and higher speed can be fatal. According to a study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car accidents caused by speeding occur twice as much at night than during the day.
You’re Prone to Light-Related Issues
If you think that more light when night driving is a good thing, then think again! Light-related issues like glares, halos, and blurred vision can negatively impact your vision at night. It’s the same kind of pain and discomfort you feel when someone turns the lights on you while you’re sleeping—your eyes have a hard time adjusting to sudden, bright lights, and that can make all the difference between life and death.
You’re Sleepier at Night
If you’re driving late at night, chances are you’re lacking sleep. Being sleepy makes you less aware of your surroundings, making you more prone to accidents or poor driving decisions, or worse, falling asleep behind the wheel!
How to Practice Safe Driving at Night
Now that you’re aware of the risks of night driving, it’s time to learn how to mitigate them. Below are several effective ways to improve your safety when driving at night.
Avoid Driving at Night
The best way to avoid accidents caused by driving at night is, of course, to avoid driving at night altogether. As much as possible, you should squeeze in all of your outdoor activities in the daytime so you can be home safe and sound before the sun sets.
If you’re someone who can’t avoid driving at night due to things like night shifts or emergencies, then just make sure to take extra precautions. Reduce your driving speed. Drive in well-lit areas. Have a friend to keep you company so you won’t be tempted to fall asleep. All of these will up your safety considerably.
Keep Everything Clean
You’ve already got low visibility due to lack of light—don’t make it even lower with dirty cars!
Keep everything nice and squeaky clean, including your windshield, side mirrors, side windows, and rearview mirror. This way, you can readily see things whenever you need to. Remember to clean the inside part of your windows, too; many people forget that it gets just as dirty as the outside!
Also, keep your eyeglasses just as clean. Or better yet, invest in laser eye surgery costs so you’ll never have to worry about eyeglasses or contact lenses ever again.
Be Well-Rested
If you plan on driving at night, make sure you have a few hours of sleep beforehand at the very least, and never drive if you’ve been awake for more than 16 hours. If you find yourself yawning or struggling to keep your eyes open, then pull over for a nap or find the nearest accommodation as soon as possible and continue driving in the morning.
Sleep is an absolute must if you want to keep your mind alert on your journey.
Schedule Eye Exams with Your Doctor
Keep your eyes and eyesight in tip-top shape by making regular visits to your eye doctor. They’ll be able to assess any issues with your eyes, like astigmatism or cataracts that can affect your driving at night. They can also prescribe you medications and/or corrective measures to fix it.
Don’t forget to ask your doctor about anti-glare lenses, polarized glasses, or LASIK in Los Angeles!
There is no excuse for poor driving behavior and etiquette when driving at night. Not only are you a danger to yourself, but you’re also a danger to other people! Keep you and your loved ones safe at all times by driving extra carefully, keeping your car clean and fully functional, and being healthy (i.e., having your vision checked regularly and never driving with alcohol or drugs in your system).
If you’re a frequent night driver and are interested in learning more about improving your vision for driving at night, then might we recommend visiting your nearest Los Angeles LASIK surgeon, Dr. Ferzaad Moosa? He is an experienced surgeon with more than two decades of service under his belt. Schedule a free consultation with him today at (310) 905-8622 to see if LASIK can help keep you safer not only at night but the whole day!
How a Sinus Infection Can Be Detrimental to Your Eyesight
When you get a sinus infection referred to by doctors as sinusitis, naturally, you are most likely to be concerned with how your nose and your head feel. It is normally caused by seasonal allergies, with over 3 million cases each year in the United States. It normally means no need for panic; however, this relatively brief illness can also negatively impact your eyesight, even if you do not experience any pain. Our Los Angeles LASIK team wants you to understand how you can better take care of your eyes if you are more prone to bouts of infections such as these.
There are 3 types of sinus infections that we should be familiar with:
Acute sinus: The symptoms are present for 4 or fewer weeks.
Subacute sinusitis: The symptoms last between 4 to 8 weeks.
Chronic sinus: The swelling of the sinus has been occurring for more than 3 months. Medical attention is necessary.
The most predominant symptoms of sinus infection include:
Basic congestion
Facial pain or pressure
Heavy eyelids
Mucus dripping down the throat
Pressure alongside the temples
Runny nose
Sore throat
Stuffy nose
Unpleasant breath
Now, while sinus infections rarely stay for the long haul, the big and quite unfortunate catch is that a more serious case of the illness can actually bring about permanent damage to your eyes. Since your sinus cavities can swell as a result of sinus infections, which are located in the bones around your nasal passages around your eyes, naturally, it can cause them to become irritated. This potential permanent damage to your eye socket can result in either blurred vision or even blindness, and unfortunately, Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery is not equipped to treat these conditions.
How to Treat a Sinus Infection
Depending on the severity of your symptoms, a variety of treatments may be necessary. You may be able to take over-the-counter antibiotics, saline nasal spray, or allergy medication if you are experiencing acute sinus. If you find that these methods aren’t working even after a few weeks, then you might be experiencing a more serious form of the illness and should consult a doctor before it’s too late. Be clear with your doctor if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in any area of your body so that the problem can be properly assessed and diagnosed.
How to Prevent Your Chances of Getting Sinusitis
Drink an adequate amount of water each day
Clear excess mucus from your passages by running water through them once a day
Inhale steam
Avoid dry environments when possible
Avoid contact with others who are ill
Once you are healthy again, if you are interested in undergoing LASIK in Los Angeles, go ahead and reach out to our Encino office at (310) 905-8622. Our Harvard-educated and trained physician, Dr. Moosa, as well as his committed team, can make your dream of a clear vision a reality. Schedule your free consultation appointment with us to discuss the specifics of your procedure, including LASIK eye surgery cost as well as the outcomes. Our Los Angeles LASIK center has proudly accumulated more than tens of thousands of satisfied patients accumulated over the last 23 years, and you are bound to become one of them!
How Poor Vision Can Impact Learning
We have all heard of the three predominant learning styles, visual, auditory, and tactile – but what about people who may learn best visually but cannot see very well? It doesn’t take a doctor to know that it can be more difficult to learn if you have poor eyesight. According to research, 65 percent of the general population are visual learners. So in a sense, a majority of people truly need to “see it to believe it.” If you learn better by seeing things but were not blessed with the best vision, you may find that you are not reaching your full potential in your academics or in your professional life. This is where you may turn to LASIK surgery in Los Angeles to solve the problem.
You may try to compensate for your low vision by trying the other learning methods, possibly if the conversation about the cost of LASIK eye surgery sends a shiver down your spine. While some people may be able to work with multiple learning styles, it may or may not be the case for you. Perhaps you find it difficult to read directly from a textbook and you do not enjoy audiobooks or there are none available. Studies have proven that having bad eyesight also directly impacts one’s ability to retain information. “Blurry vision equals blurry brain,” says Dr. Lynn Greenspan, an optometrist based in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. “With bad input, the brain doesn’t receive a complete picture and needs to work hard to fill in missing details.” It goes without saying that if you have difficulty remembering new information, then learning new information will serve as a particularly tall order for you. Those who struggle with memory have also been found to have more emotional health issues. A 2016 Japanese study found that those who chose to undergo LASIK “significantly improved vision-related psychological concern and physical function,” this increasing patients’ HRQOL (health-related quality of life). Think of it this way, after undergoing Los Angeles laser eye surgery, you will no longer have to worry about forgetting or losing your glasses. You can walk out of the house feeling more confident than you ever have before!
So if you have always wanted to enhance your eyesight, then you are in good company. Perhaps you are a current post-secondary school student, whether you are an undergraduate, a graduate student, or in a doctorate program, who wants to enhance your vision so that you can perform more accurately in your studies. You might be tired of the glasses or contacts you have grown accustomed to wearing since your childhood. If so, you have come to the right place. Please reach out to us by calling our staff at (310) 905-8622 for a free Los Angeles LASIK consultation. We strive for the highest quality of professional service for every patient who visits our offices. With 23 years of excellence provided by Dr. Moosa and his team, we firmly believe the decision to get Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery with us can be one of the best decisions you will make for yourself for years to come.
Can I Drive After Having LASIK?
There are a good number of LASIK Los Angeles patients who want to get rid of their dependence on eyeglasses with LASIK surgery. Vision issues, such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism, can be corrected with laser eye surgery in Los Angeles. No matter the LASIK eye surgery cost, LASIK is an effective procedure. However, your eye surgeon will warn you prior to the surgery that it can make your vision blurry immediately afterward, which makes it unsafe to drive straight away.
Typical Patient Questions Before A LASIK Procedure
Prior to a patient’s decision to undergo LASIK surgery, many candidates have questions about what they can or cannot do after the LASIK Los Angeles procedure. They have questions such as:
When can I take a shower?
How soon can I wear makeup?
Will I need glasses?
When can I drive?
When can I go back to work?
Keep on reading down below to get the answers to these questions and more.
How To Prepare For LASIK Surgery?
Once you have booked a date at LASIK Los Angeles procedure, you’ll have to arrange a lift to drop you off at the clinic or travel on public transport. After the surgery has been performed, LASIK eye center Los Angeles surgeons like Doctor Moosa do not recommend going back home alone. If you want to use public transport for your return home, do so with someone accompanying you. The best-case scenario is that someone picks you up after your treatment.
How Soon After LASIK Can I Wear Make-Up?
Eye surgeons recommend you not wear eye makeup after LASIK because it can get into your eye and cause an infection if the makeup is not put on and taken off carefully. Therefore, most LASIK eye doctors will recommend you wait a week after LASIK before putting on eye makeup. Again, it depends on the patient, and some may be ready to put on makeup after a few days, but plan for a week. So, keep that in mind when making your appointment. If for any reason, you have to wear makeup less than a week after a LASIK procedure, it’s probably best to put the surgery on the back burner for a while.
How Soon After LASIK Can I Take A Shower?
You don’t have to skip out on your showers after LASIK. However, you will have to make it a point to make sure you keep your eyes completely closed to stop any shampoo, soap, and water from getting into your eyes. Also, you’ll have to avoid rubbing your eyes when you’re washing your face.
Will I Require Glasses After LASIK?
The short, sweet, and honest answer is, maybe. The main reason why some LASIK patients will have to wear glasses after LASIK is for reading.
As we age, the ciliary muscles in the eye start to lose elasticity. This elasticity is what lets people focus on objects, such as the things they are reading up close. This is known as presbyopia and is usually a part of aging, which is a reason why some people who have never had to hassle with wearing glasses in their life require reading glasses when they get older.
Most of the time, LASIK is carried out to correct distance vision problems and other issues such as refractive errors instead of presbyopia. Nevertheless, the requirement for glasses can lessen if the patient decides to undergo monovision. This procedure corrects one eye for seeing distances, and the other is corrected for seeing near. This is not as adequate for repairing vision, but it helps to relieve the requirement for reading glasses after a LASIK procedure.
When Can I Go Back To Work?
For many patients, about two days off work after a LASIK procedure is the only time they need. Nonetheless, you should remember that you may need up to a week off. Considering that everyone is different, it completely depends on the type of laser eye treatment you have undergone and how quickly you can heal. Your laser eye surgeon will talk to you about this during your free consultation and your first post-op examination.
How Soon After LASIK Can I Drive?
Not everyone’s the same, so everyone’s recovery is going to be different. However, most patients can notice an improvement in their vision within the first 24 hours of their surgery. Throughout that time, any medications would have also subsided. A day after surgery, you’ll be expected to return for a post-operative exam, have your vision tested, and have the eye doctor confirm that your eyes are healing. If your eyes aren’t sufficiently recovered to drive, you’ll only require another day or so to completely heal.
Once Your Eye Doctor Gives You The Okay To Drive
When your LASIK Los Angeles doctor tells you it’s fine to start driving again, there are still a few things you have to keep in mind after surgery.
Some people experience glare, particularly from bright lights, in the weeks after LASIK surgery. As a result of this, you could face some challenges when driving at night when encountering oncoming headlights. That’s why it’s a good idea to be a passenger at night first, to check whether you feel comfortable driving yourself.
Issues with glare usually improve greatly within the first couple of weeks after treatment and carry on improving over the first three months.
Also, you should consider that even though laser eye surgery Los Angeles can significantly enhance your vision, it isn’t a 100% cure, and you may find that you still need your eyeglasses for specific tasks such as driving.
If you’ve still got questions about laser eye surgery, Excel Laser Vision Institute would love to assist you. Book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr. Ferzaad Moosa to find out if you’re a suitable candidate here.
Should I Get Contoura or LASIK Surgery?
Over the years, the LASIK eye doctors in Los Angeles have seen technologies advanced in the healthcare field, which has made patients feel more comfortable and healthier. The laser eye surgery professionals stress that it is essential that there are technological advances in the medical field since many patients can’t take advantage of the technologies available in the industry. For instance, some patients are suffering from a new disease or have gone into an advanced stage and are not being treated with the present system of medications and surgery.
And when we talk about the LASIK eye surgery cost, eyeglass removal surgery is not set apart from these advancements. Researchers are attempting to do their best to make surgical treatment with very few complications and the most desired results. An example of such an advanced eye surgery at the LASIK eye center in Los Angeles is Contoura Vision surgery, which is also referred to as Topography-guided LASIK surgery.
When any patient asks for LASIK eye surgery cost, they find out that a Contoura Vision surgery is a version of LASIK surgery and offers enhanced benefits to patients thinking about undergoing spectacle removal surgery. Besides the fact that this surgery is very effective, it gives excellent results to patients who were initially not eligible for LASIK surgery because of irregularities in the cornea. The LASIK eye specialist in Los Angeles informs us that USFDA has approved Contoura technology for specs removal surgery.
History Of Contoura Eye Surgery
Wearing eyeglasses to correct vision dates back to the 13th century. In the 1800s, contact lenses were ready for use in Switzerland and were manufactured from hand-blown glass. Back then, these were non-invasive ways for correcting a person’s vision and improving clarity. Nevertheless, these devices lead to discomfort for those who wear them and need a lot of careful handling.
As a result of this, invasive methods were introduced to correct vision. A Russian eye specialist created radial keratotomy, which consisted of the use of a diamond knife to make an incision on the cornea and change its curvature. The process is still used today to manage astigmatism. Afterward, in the 1990s, USFDA approved a more robust procedure for correcting the vision. The process is referred to as photorefractive keratotomy, which has a prolonged vision correction effect. LASIK needs the benefits of both the above techniques and eliminates their disadvantages, leading to more comfort to the patient. These techniques are highly successful and still believed to be the Gold standard in vision correction surgery.
In 1999, a customized procedure came out and was carried out through LASIK with wavefront analysis. The technique was called the Contoura technique and gave 22000 points on the cornea. Compared to Contoura, the conventional LASIK maps just 200 points on the cornea.
Who Is NOT Eligible For Contoura Vision Surgery?
Unfortunately, not everyone who has vision problems can have Topography-Guided LASIK treatment. Typically, the LASIK ophthalmologists in Los Angeles conduct a thorough evaluation of the patient’s eye health to determine whether Contoura vision surgery would benefit in improving visual clarity or correcting refractive error. Below is the criteria for patients who are NOT eligible for undergoing Contoura vision surgery:
Individuals who are less than 18 years of age due to instability in vision.
Those suffering from immunodeficiency diseases
Individuals with vascular disease
Persons with myopia higher than 9.00 D
Those with prominent nose and brow that obstructs reflection.
What Is The Difference Between Contoura Surgery And Lasik Surgery?
Here are a few differences between Contoura vision surgery and LASIK:
Better outcome: The outcome achieved with Contoura surgery is better than LASIK when it comes to visual clarity and correction in refractive error. On average, patients experience corrections better than 6/6.
Broader scope: The whole point of Contoura is not restricted to vision correction. Instead, it can treat the abnormality found within the corneal curvature.
Advanced technology: The technology used in Contoura surgery is more state-of-the-art compared to traditional LASIK surgery. Although traditional LASIK surgery maps only 200 points on the cornea, the Contoura vision surgery maps 22000 points on the cornea.
Fewer complications: Contoura vision surgery has more minor complications than traditional LASIK surgery, and the damage to the tissue is nearly more minor and has a faster healing time.
What Are The Advantages Provided By Contoura Vision Apart From Vision Clarity?
Here are some of the advantages provided by Contoura vision surgery:
High safety standards: The Contoura LASIK has high safety standards. The complications are lower, and the healing is quicker.
USFDA approved: Contoura LASIK has been approved by USFDA for vision correction. This proves the safety, efficacy, and authenticity of this technology.
Patient’s comfort: Contoura surgery has no stitches, no bandages, no injections, no pain, and the patient can go home the same day of surgery.
What Is The Procedure For Contoura Vision Eye Surgery?
Contoura vision surgery’s process is similar to LASIK surgery. However, the technology involved is different from traditional LASIK surgery. Detailed eye check-up of the patient is done to exclude any disease or infection. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. In this advanced technology, the machine used produces about 22000 points on the cornea through topography.
Every point is analyzed for abnormality and is corrected through LASER. The machine used in the Contoura vision includes WaveLight EX500 Excimer Laser Systems and WaveLight TopolyzerVario Diagnostic Device. Post-surgery eye care is a crucial part of the treatment to get the targeted result. Different eye drops, including anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, are prescribed to the patient to counteract inflammation and infection.
9 Celebrities Who You Didn’t Know Had LASIK
You often hear about celebrities going through cosmetic surgery to enhance their physical appearance, but are you familiar with which of your favorite stars have gone through Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery to improve their eyesight? Here’s a hint: there have been more than you think! You’ll have to see the list below to believe it!
Kim & Kylie Kardashian
Love the Kardashians or hate them, it’s been 100% confirmed that both Kim and her little sister Kylie have undergone Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery! Kim decided to go through the procedure prior to her Las Vegas show. A little over a decade later, Kylie had begun to experience problems with her eyesight during her pregnancy with her daughter, Stormi. She had to rely on glasses to help her see. Inconvenienced by them, she decided to get the LASIK surgery and she couldn’t be happier with her decision!
Nicole Kidman
When Nicole discovered that she was nominated for an Academy Award for her stellar acting performance, she decided to get surgery to correct her vision. She feared the possibility of having to read her acceptance speech in front of a large audience while struggling to read her notes or even when walking up to the stage. Kidman was very happy with her decision, stating that she now had “20/20 vision” after her procedure. “I can’t believe I spent so many years blurry, but I think that coincides with how I was feeling. Now I notice if people are watching me, but I also smile right back if someone waves, which helps.” Good on you, Nicole!
Jessica Simpson
Simpson was shown undergoing eye surgery on her reality show ‘Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica’ back in the summer of ‘04. She described the outcome of her procedure as “like being healed by God.” She continued her statement by saying, “I was legally blind, I couldn’t see without contacts or glasses. I couldn’t see my hand in front of me. I couldn’t see the big ‘E’ on the (eye test) screens.”
Brad Pitt
If you have seen some of Pitt’s earlier movies, you may have noticed that he wore some waggish glasses in some of his most memorable roles prior to 2010. Brad decided it was time to undergo LASIK eye surgery. Since then, he’s been able to say sayonara to those days and appreciate life with a much clearer view.
Sir Elton John
He is known for his iconic spectacle glasses, but in 2012, Sir Elton John decided it was time for a change. Decades ago, he stated in an interview that he had owned tens of thousands of glasses over the years! He got tired of losing them all the time, specifically describing his frustration with “Where are they?’ I can’t see anything, so why wait?” Sometimes you need to break tradition for the sake of your health and sanity.
“Weird Al” Yankovic
You know him for his hilarious song parodies. You’re also familiar with the nerdy glasses he wore in his earlier music videos, but why did he stop? The reason is simple: in the late 1990’s, he finally made the smart decision to get eye surgery! Weird Al actually suffered from a severe form of myopia (nearsightedness) – no fun! It’s difficult to imagine why he would ever regret his choice.
LeBron James
It’s a no brainer that you can’t be a legendary basketball player if you can’t see well! To up his game, King James got LASIK eye surgery in 2007, citing it as a major factor in his future achievements on the court.
Dwayne Wade
Wade decided to follow the steps of his now-wife Gabrielle Union and undergo the LASIK eye surgery. He was so impressed with her results that he decided to go see the same doctor as her, Dr. Cory Lessner. He openly expressed his gratitude for the job he did afterwards, “It’s actually an amazing experience and nothing to be scared of. My eyes are getting a lot better by the minute. Dr. Lessner’s professionalism is second-to-none and he really takes care of you. The result is awesome. I would recommend having it done to everyone.”
In other words….
The benefits of getting laser eye surgery in Los Angeles are unmistakable, and you don’t have to be a big shot in Hollywood to start enjoying them. Like Dorothy stepping into the Land of Oz, your new enhanced eyesight is bound to turn your once fuzzy, monochrome world into one of vibrant clarity that you’ve never experienced before. Don’t wait another day to change your life for the better, call Dr. Ferzaad Moosa’s team today at (866) 923-9235 to schedule your free consultation appointment. We have offices in both Los Angeles and Orange County, and we look forward to having you join our happy family of satisfied customers and serving you today!
A Brief History of LASIK Eye Surgery
Although LASIK eye surgery was approved by the FDA in the late 1990s, its history goes back many years earlier. If you have poor eyesight, you may be wondering a lot about LASIK Los Angeles surgery, including how it was invented. The story actually goes way back and has been developed over the decades by many optic specialists across the world. History buffs, get ready because you’ll have a field day with this one!
Back in 1948, Spanish ophthalmologist Jose Barraquer (1916-1998) invented the very first technique of reshaping the cornea, the outer layer of the eye, naming it keratomileusis. This means “sculpting of the cornea.” His passion for creating new surgical inventions made him a pioneer in the optical industry, transcending modern practices as we know them today. Today, he is remembered as the “father of modern refractive surgery”.
In 1960, Jewish-American physicist and engineer Theodore Maiman (1927-2007) invented the laser, the world’s first coherent light in Malibu, California. Although not a medical doctor, he granted future optic surgeons the ability to create amazing innovations such as laser eye surgery we now have in Los Angeles. Indian-American doctor Mani Lal Bhaumik would go on to build from Maiman’s creation and invent the Excimer laser, an ultraviolet laser. He presented his research leading to his invention in front of the Optical Society of America in 1973. This would lead to American scientists first conducting studies on how lasers could be used to correct vision problems in the late 1980s. Meanwhile, Russian ophthalmologist Svyatoslov Fyodorov (1927-2000) invented radial keratotomy, commonly referred to as RK, which was used to reshape a person’s cornea to fix myopia (nearsightedness). It still exists today, but varies from LASIK surgery as LASIK is designed to fix defects in eyesight as opposed to reshaping the cornea. Lasik eye surgery also has fewer complications than RK.
Ultimately, LASIK eye surgery itself is accredited to being invented by Dr. Gholam A. Peyman, an Iranian-American ophthalmologist. He built up a very impressive resume, having received a medical degree from the University of Freiburg in Germany, which is the country’s 5th oldest university. He completed internships in both Germany and the United States, eventually landing him a faculty position at the University of California, Los Angeles’ School of Medicine. After leaving UCLA, Dr. Peyman moved on to serve as a professor at the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary at the University of Illinois. During his time at the university, he developed an interest in lasers and their effects on the eye. He spent years studying them, but had to wait to put his knowledge to use as the lasers were expensive and many people understandably felt it was dangerous to be experimented with such new technology. Eventually, he would be granted permission by University of Helsinki’s Physics Department in Finland to perform these experiments and develop the LASIK technology he had been carefully studying for so long. Since then, 10 million Americans have had LASIK surgery and made their glasses and contacts a thing of their past.
Today, at the age of 85, Dr. Peyman serves as an emeritus professor of ophthalmology at Tulane University. It is thanks to him that tens of thousands of people now enjoy the benefits of Los Angeles LASIK eye surgery. He even has his own website where you can view his multiple publications and achievements. About 8 out of 10 American adults are candidates for lasik, and chances are, you probably are, too. An overwhelming 95% of patients have reported that they are satisfied with the outcome of their surgery, so if you are ready to begin your journey today, call Harvard-educated Dr. Ferzaad Moosa’s office at (866) 923-9235. Our staff is ready to assist you with any of your questions and help you create a plan to help you afford your surgery so that you can start living a better, more productive life.