How To Delay The Progression Of Cataracts
Patients often ask whether there is a way of delaying cataracts since they may have a family member who has it. Laser eye surgery doctors in Los Angeles tell us that cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent them, but making some lifestyle changes could reduce your risk of getting them.
How Do Cataracts Happen?
The doctor at Excel Laser Vision Institute, a LASIK eye center in Los Angeles, points out that the real reason why medical professionals can’t find a way to delay cataracts is that it is more complicated than keeping a clear lens from becoming cloudy. So, the whole point isn’t about keeping the lens clear but more about how to stop it from aging. For now, scientists haven’t found a way to delay aging. However, they have a good idea of what causes it biochemically. And the same can be said for cataracts.
Every year, the lens in your eye lays down new layers, kind of like how a tree lays down new rings each year. Over time, the center of the lens gets more compressed, and it results in hardening and cloudiness. There is a type of biochemical bond referred to as a disulfide bond, and it occurs between the cysteine amino acids of the crystalline proteins in the eye. LASIK eye surgeons in Los Angeles confirm that there is no way to stop it or delay it.
How Do You Prevent Cataracts From Getting Worse?
Nevertheless, Doctor Moosa, a LASIK surgeon in Los Angeles, gives us five ways to prevent cataracts or keep them from getting worse. These methods are not difficult to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle, but they can possibly prevent you from becoming blind.
Stay Away From Lengthy Exposure To UV Light
Although a small amount of exposure to the sun is healthy, prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can intensify cataract progression.
This doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself indoors most of the time. It is okay to go out as long as you protect yourself from the dangers of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light.
When the sun is out, and you want to be outside, make it a point to wear sunglasses. As mentioned above, lowering the amount of ultraviolet light that reaches your eyes will help you prevent getting cataracts.
Also, don’t be fooled when there is a cloudy day since the sun’s rays can pass through thin clouds. The peak hours of the day for sun exposure are between 10 am, and 3 pm or else 11 am and 4 pm daylight savings time.
Don’t Use Steroid Drops
Sometimes ophthalmologists will prescribe steroid eye drops to treat dry eyes and arthritic flare-ups in the eyes. These steroids imitate the effects of cortisol in the body to lower inflammation.
Although steroid eye drops are useful when administered properly, they can have damaging side effects, which consist of the acceleration of cataracts.
If you do have to use steroid eye drops on a regular basis, you should have regular eye exams carried out. If you notice cataracts developing, speak to your optometrist or ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
Look Out For Medicinal Side Effects
Commonly prescribed medications have side effects that could trigger the cataract progress. If you are at risk for cataracts and take medication on a regular basis, ask your medical professional about any side effects you have to be aware of.
If you are taking necessary medication that could speed up cataracts, it is crucial that you avoid sunlight during peak hours, wear sunglasses or a hat during sunny days, and have regular eye exams.
Taking medication to enhance your life may not be worthwhile if it results in cataracts. So, think about your options carefully.
Think About Cataract Surgery
When cataracts have already set or progressed to a point where it disrupts many aspects of your life, you should think about having cataracts removed.
You can only remove it through cataract surgery, a process that involves removing your eye’s natural cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial lens. One of the leading eye surgeons at Excel Eye Institute will discuss and advise you of the options for corrective lenses that are appropriate for you.
This is the best way to treat cataracts that have already set in, but it may not be the best solution for everyone. Make sure to contact your laser eye clinic to figure out if cataract surgery is the right option for you.
Live A Healthy Lifestyle
Research has shown that a healthy lifestyle can lead to reducing the development of cataracts.
And this is a very logical finding since a healthy lifestyle helps to fight against many ailments. But, what exactly comprises a “healthy lifestyle”?
Here are a few suggestions from existing studies:
Diet Guidelines
- People who have a diet that consists of colorful fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may show a reduced possibility of developing cataracts.
- Studies suggest that antioxidant vitamins in these fruits and vegetables may lower the risk of cataracts.
- Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and is excellent for eye health.
- The consumption of fish has been linked to a reduced risk of cataracts.
- Fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been known to reduce cataract progression.
- A diet high in carbohydrates may speed up cataract progression.
- Foods that are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals may delay cataracts.
Lifestyle Guidelines
- Dehydration can quicken the development of cataracts.
- Alcohol may accelerate the development of cataracts.
- Smoking will increase the chance of developing cataracts.
- Obesity may increase the chances of developing cataracts.
- Individuals with diabetes may be at a higher risk of developing cataracts.
Many people over the age of 50 will eventually develop age-related changes in their lenses, known as “early cataracts.” It may be challenging to prevent cataracts from progressing entirely, but you could live cataract-free by taking account of these guidelines.
What 20/80 Vision Is And How Is It Corrected?
When patients think about visual acuity, it isn’t a shocker to learn that they believe that 20/20 vision is the gauge of good eyesight. We all, at some point in our lives, have tried to reach this goal. Remember when your parents told you you had to eat all your carrots, get enough sleep, don’t sit too close to the T.V., and don’t read in low lights to avoid straining your eyes? Yup, most of us got the same advice, and a good majority of us are still as blind as bats.
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In any case, when you visit a laser eye surgery clinic in Los Angeles, you will be told that the biggest determinant in declining vision is sometimes something you can’t even avoid. That is because we all have birthdays. Aging is the biggest reason why visual acuity alters, besides eye diseases and poor nutrition – even if you eat more carrots than Bugs Bunny himself!
What is 20/80 Vision?
Doctor Moosa of Excel Laser Vision Institute, a LASIK eye center in Los Angeles, explains that when a person has 20/80 vision, the individual‘s eyesight is already in the low vision range. 20/80 is an average visual impairment as regulated by the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO). Sometimes LASIK doctors in Los Angeles may declare that your visual acuity is 0.25, essentially the same as 20/80. It is just labeled in its decimal notation, or you can put it in terms of 4.0 for visual angle.
Therefore, what does this all refer to? The LASIK Los Angeles clinic uses the interpretation of the ICO as a visual impairment that is still more functional than someone with a 20/200 vision, who is in a severe visual impairment range.
If a person has this condition, low vision is apparent but not to a point where the patient would be considered legally blind. If you take a look at the average size of common newsprint, which measures at 1 M. If you don’t know what 1 M is, the Sloan M system is used to measure letter size in a reading chart. Louis Sloane first introduced this to the American Journal of Ophthalmology in 1959 and has been utilized as the standard by the Committee on Vision of the U.S. National Research Council ever since it was first popularized.
This is what is used during visual acuity tests. The M-unit is linked to a fixed 1-meter distance when one of the letters in Sloane’s reference standard spans a visual angle of 5 min of arc, which is a unit angular measurement. Therefore, research lets us know that 1 M is the same as the average newsprint size, as declared in most published research.
Of course, when visual acuity becomes weaker, a person reads better at a shorter distance, usually with reading glasses. Normally, newsprint is read clearly at a distance of 40 cm. However, if you are one of the lucky ones with 20/20 vision, you can read 1 M at 100 cm, so reading the small print isn’t a challenge for these guys.
However, if the patient has 20/80 vision, 1 M is read at 25 cm, so patients have to use strong lenses to read clearly, or in the case of nearsightedness, they have to hold the paper nearer to the eyes than someone with 20/20 vision.
What Causes Visual Acuity To Change To 20/80?
As we age, visual acuity worsens. You may not require eyeglasses or contact lenses just yet, but at some point, your ophthalmologist will advise you to start wearing them. When you get to your sixties, the probability of having advanced presbyopia increases, and the appearance of floaters. Also, when women reach their menopausal stage, they are more prone to dry eyes, resulting in visual acuity issues.
Age-related determinants that can affect visual acuity and lead to low vision, according to the American Optometric Association (AOA), include:
- Smaller pupil size.
- Absence of peripheral vision.
- Macular degeneration.
- Glaucoma.
- Traumatic brain injury.
- Detachment of the retina.
Can You Correct 20/80 Vision?
You can correct your vision. For example, your doctor may recommend eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, if you are searching for a long-term solution, it may be corrective surgery.
Advanced methods of eye treatment technology can produce results near 20/20 vision. Sometimes light adjustable lenses and other advanced intraocular lenses are used to treat cataracts so patients can receive improved vision.
Still, a well-known procedure known as LASIK can help you achieve a patient’s goal of 20/20 vision or even better when possible. If you are a good candidate for this procedure, then your likelihood for improvement can be based on pre-operative testing. LASIK is an effective way to see clearly without the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses.
The alternatives to LASIK are PRK, ICL, RLE, and refractive cataract surgery. These are some of the procedures that eye doctors recommend to patients depending on their condition.
Ultimately LASIK is performed to help correct a patient’s vision to a level that keeps them comfortable and highly satisfied.
Where to get LASIK in Orange County or Los Angeles
You should never put your eyes in danger because they are very important to you. Make sure you go to an eye clinic that can make you feel comfortable throughout the whole process.
Yes, indeed, LASIK can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a smart personal investment. At Excel Laser Vision Institute, we are aware that paying out-of-pocket is something that most patients are prepared to do, so we have made it simpler for our patients to achieve better vision. We have several financing options that you can avail yourself of for better eyesight.
Choosing a LASIK Provider
When considering LASIK surgery, it’s crucial to choose a reputable provider for safe and effective treatment. Excel Laser Vision Institute, led by Dr. Ferzaad Moosa, offers comprehensive LASIK services in Orange County and Los Angeles. With over 23 years of experience, including specialized training at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Moosa is one of the most experienced LASIK surgeons, specializing in all laser LASIK, SMILE, PRK, Contoura-Topo guided LASIK, and wavefront-optimized all laser LASIK.
1. Board Certification: Dr. Moosa is board-certified and has undergone specialized training in refractive surgery, demonstrating his expertise in the field.
2. State-of-the-Art Technology: Excel Laser Vision Institute utilizes the most advanced technology, including the Wavelight EX500 laser and the VisuMax, to ensure precise and accurate results for LASIK patients.
3. Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Dr. Moosa and his team have received glowing reviews and testimonials from previous patients, highlighting their exceptional care and successful outcomes.
4. Consultation Process: Excel Laser Vision Institute offers a comprehensive consultation process, where Dr. Moosa evaluates your candidacy for LASIK surgery and addresses any questions or concerns you may have.
5. Follow-up Care: Dr. Moosa and his team provide personalized follow-up care to monitor your progress after LASIK surgery, ensuring optimal results and satisfaction.
6. Cost and Financing Options: Excel Laser Vision Institute offers competitive pricing for LASIK surgery and provides financing options to make the procedure more accessible for patients.
By choosing Excel Laser Vision Institute and Dr. Ferzaad Moosa for your LASIK surgery, you can rest assured that you are receiving top-quality care from a trusted and experienced LASIK provider. Contact Excel Laser Vision Institute today at (888) 957-3255. Or else, visit our website to learn more:
How To Cure Your Blurry Vision
The LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles explain the blurry vision to us as a loss of sharpness of eyesight that makes objects look out of focus and hazy.
The main causes of blurred vision are refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism or presbyopia. However, there have been patients who come for laser eye surgery complaining about a blurry vision that could be one of the first symptoms of something more serious, such as potentially sight-threatening eye disease or neurological disorder.
Plus, blurred vision can affect both eyes, however, some individuals experience blurry vision in one eye only.
LASIK eye center doctors explain cloudy vision – when you see objects as obscured and appear “milky,” is equivalent to blurry vision. Normally, cloudy vision is a symptom of particular conditions such as cataracts. Both blurry vision and cloudy vision are symptoms of a serious eye problem, especially if they happen suddenly.
LASIK experts in Los Angeles recommend that the best way to find out if you have blurry vision and what is causing it is to visit an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam.
Blurry Vision: What Are The Causes And Treatments?
Myopia: Myopia, or nearsightedness, has various symptoms which include squinting, eye strain, headaches, and blurry vision in one or both eyes. Myopia is the most common refractive error and leads to a person seeing distant objects in a blurred manner.
Eyeglasses, contact lenses, and refractive surgery such as LASIK and PRK are the most common ways to correct nearsightedness.
Hyperopia: Hyperopia, or farsightedness, allows people to see distant objects clearly but their eyes can’t focus properly on close-up objects. If they try to, it causes unusual eye strain and fatigue. Also, when an individual suffers from severe farsightedness, even distant objects may appear blurred.
Similar to myopia, hyperopia can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive eye surgery.
Astigmatism: This is when a person experiences blurred vision at all distances. It is a type of refractive error, and it is usually caused by an irregularly shaped cornea.
With astigmatism, light rays fail to come to a single focus point on the retina to create a clear vision, no matter how far away the viewed object is from your eyes.
Astigmatism, similar to nearsightedness and farsightedness, can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.
Presbyopia: If you’re over the age of 40 and are beginning to notice blurry vision up close especially when reading a text message, a restaurant menu, food label, or other small print, for instance — most likely this is because there is the onset of presbyopia, a normal age-related vision problem.
While the symptoms of presbyopia are very similar to those that cause hyperopia (blurry near vision; eye strain when reading), presbyopia is an age-related loss of ability to focus on near objects because of the hardening of the lens inside the eye.
Normally, your optometrist will provide you with the most common treatments for presbyopia which include progressive lenses, bifocals, and reading glasses. If that isn’t suitable for you, there are also presbyopia surgery options such as corneal inlays, monovision LASIK, and conductive keratoplasty.
When you select eyeglasses to correct refractive errors and presbyopia, clarity and comfort can be improved with an anti-reflective coating and photochromic lenses. Make sure to ask your optician for more details.
Chronic dry eyes: Dry eye syndrome can affect your eyes in various ways, including causing variable blurry vision. Although artificial tears (lubricating eye drops) can help, more advanced cases of dry eye may need a prescription medication or punctal plugs to keep your eyes comfortable, healthy, and seeing properly.
Pregnancy: Blurry vision is not uncommon during pregnancy and sometimes pregnant women also experience double vision (diplopia). Hormonal changes can change the shape and thickness of your cornea, causing your vision to blur. Dry eyes also are normal to see in pregnant women and can cause blurred vision.
If you have any vision disturbances during your pregnancy, you should always let your doctor know. Although blurry vision is no always serious, in some instances it could be a sign of gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.
Ocular migraines or migraine headaches: Even though for the most part blurred vision, flickering light, halos, or zigzag patterns are harmless and temporary, they are all common symptoms before the beginning of an ocular migraine or migraine headache.
Eye floaters: Vision can be blurred by temporary spots or floaters that aimlessly move in your field of vision. Floaters usually appear when the eye’s gel-like vitreous starts to liquefy with age, resulting in microscopic bits of tissue within the vitreous to drift around freely inside the eye, casting shadows on the retina.
If you see an abrupt onset of floaters, this could be a sign of a torn or detached retina and you should see an eye doctor immediately.
Blurry vision after LASIK: Your vision may be blurry or hazy right after LASIK or any other type of refractive surgery. The clarity of your eyesight normally improves within a few days, but it may take more time for your vision to stabilize completely.
Eye drops and medication: Particularly eye drops — especially eye drops that contain preservatives — can cause irritation and blurry vision.
Additionally, some medications such as allergy pills can cause side effects of dry eyes and blurred vision. During a comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor can advise you whether any of your medications may be the culprit to your blurry vision.
Over-wearing contact lenses: Wearing disposable contact lenses (or any type of contacts) for longer than your doctor recommends will cause proteins and other debris in your tear film to accumulate on the lenses. This can cause blurry vision and increase your risk of eye infections.
When you experience blurry vision that lasts for a long time or is very frequent, it is always advisable that you speak to a LASIK expert in Los Angeles like Doctor Moosa of Excel Laser Vision Institute immediately to rule out any serious vision problems.
LASIK Experts Explain the Danger of Sleeping with Contacts
Wearing contacts is a responsibility. Like glasses, they can be expensive to obtain. Then, you have to make sure that they don’t get lost or damaged, are regularly cleaned, and are taken out when you go to sleep. Contacts are not for low-maintenance people. In fact, the inconvenience of contact lenses is what pushes many people to look into LASIK eye surgery. LASIK experts like Doctor Moosa say that wearing contacts actually increases your risk of developing harmful eye conditions, especially when forgetting to take them out at night. Below, we will delve into the science of sleeping with contacts and some helpful tips for those who are using these corrective lenses for the time being.
Oxygen Restriction
Our eyes, like other parts of our body, require oxygen to function. When they are open, they can receive a necessary supply from the air around us. However, contact lenses can block this process from happening. This means that contact users have a greater chance of developing inflammation, redness, irritation, fungal infections, bacterial infections, and corneal ulcers. This risk increases when contact users go to sleep without giving their eyes a break. Closed eyes will already receive less oxygen and, coupled with the barrier of contacts, this can cause serious issues and may even lead to impaired vision.
Pink Eye
Dr. Moosa, a Harvard-trained surgeon at a LASIK eye center in Los Angeles, Excel Laser Vision Institute, says that pink eye is a common problem amongst contact users. Anyone who falls asleep with their contacts on has a chance of developing conjunctivitis or another type of eye infection. Why is this? Studies have shown that our corneas are more susceptible to microscopic tears when wearing contacts for an extended period with our eyes closed. These mini tears can introduce fungi and bacteria into the eye.
Eye Ulcer
If you’re wondering why so many people are trading in their contacts for laser eye surgery, then let us introduce to you, corneal ulcers. Another risk of sleeping with contacts is developing an ulcer in your eye. This condition is actually one of the leading causes of blindness. Corneal ulcers are microscopic open wounds that festers when blocked from oxygen. If ulcers are not treated in a timely manner, they can cause lifelong damage to a patient’s vision.
Red Eye
Contact Lens Acute Red Eye (CLARE), otherwise known as Tight Lens Syndrome or Contact Lens Overwear Syndrome, is a common condition that people experience when they sleep with contacts. Symptoms of this include redness, tearing, decreased vision, and light sensitivity. If this condition persists, contact users may experience worse symptoms and potentially suffer vision loss.
Preventing Contact-Related Infections
The best way to prevent infections from contacts is to opt for another eye correction solution. LASIK, PRK, SMILE, and other refractive surgeries can help many people achieve 20/20 vision without the need of contacts or glasses. So, if you’re interested in replacing your contact lenses with clear, independent vision, then get LASIK from Excel Laser Vision Institute. Until then, here are some helpful tips for contact users:
- Avoid rubbing your eyes
- Always wash your hands before inserting or removing contacts
- Never reuse disposable contacts
- Remove contacts before swimming
- Remove contacts before sleeping or napping
- Never share contacts with anyone else
- Avoid costume contacts
Why You Should Consider Getting LASIK This Spring/Summer
We’re in the thick of spring. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and more people are getting their vaccines! What better time to look into getting LASIK in Los Angeles? For many people, this coming summer represents a much-needed sigh of relief. Finally, families can rest assured that their loved ones are protected and enjoy public activities again.
Here Are Some Of Our Top Reasons For Considering Laser Eye Surgery This Spring or Summer:
Enjoy Stylish and Convenient Eye Protection
Are you tired of wearing that one pair of prescription sunglasses that you own? Don’t want to worry about putting in contacts when you’re at the beach? With 20/20 vision, you won’t have to rely on corrective lenses to enjoy your time in the sunshine. Prescription glasses can be an expensive purchase (and also vulnerable to activities like biking, volleyball, and swimming). Enjoy your vacation and protect your vision without worrying about losing your one pair of prescription sunglasses.
Swim Freely
Taking a dip in the pool when it’s hot out can be just the thing for a summer day! Unfortunately, for those who wear glasses or contacts, swimming can be a huge challenge. If you take off your prescription lenses to swim, then you won’t be able to see! Those who wear contacts may fear losing their invisible lenses in the pool or contaminating them with chlorine. This can lead to costly replacements or even an eye infection! When you achieve your vision goals through LASIK, you can swim freely with peace of mind.
Avoid Accidents
When the weather is warmer, many people like to get outside and do something active, whether that be exercising or playing sports. Glasses or contacts can be a hindrance to these kinds of spring and summer activities. Perspiration and heat can cause fogging, streaks, and other visual barriers for those who wear glasses. Meanwhile, those who wear contacts run the constant risk of developing an infection from dirt, dust, and other outside particles that attach to the lenses. With a clear vision, you won’t have to worry about losing or damaging your only vision source.
Mitigate Allergies
During spring and summer, there may be a greater concentration of pollen in the air. This can be difficult for those who experience eye irritation with their seasonal allergies. Contact lenses can exacerbate the situation by trapping dirt and pollen or drying out. Even wearing glasses can be a hassle when your eyes are red, itchy, swollen, and dry. Visit Excel Laser Vision Institute, a LASIK eye center in Los Angeles, to learn how laser eye surgery might improve your seasonal allergies over the long term.
Savor Spring and Summer
It finally feels like we’re reaching the light at the end of the tunnel! Celebrate this time with a life-changing procedure. LASIK has helped many people achieve their vision goals and improve their overall quality of life. Schedule your free LASIK consultation at Excel Laser Vision Institute. Our team of skilled eye care professionals will determine whether you are an eligible candidate for laser eye surgery and will jumpstart the process so you can savor the days ahead with clear vision.
10 Spring Activities You Can Enjoy After LASIK
After learning about the benefits of LASIK and why it’s a great choice for vision correction this spring, you may be eager to explore all the activities you can enjoy with your newfound visual freedom. LASIK can transform your daily life, especially during the vibrant spring season when outdoor adventures beckon. In this article, we’ll explore ten exciting spring activities that are even more enjoyable after LASIK, allowing you to fully embrace the beauty of the season with clear, unencumbered vision.
Hiking Adventures
Springtime heralds the awakening of nature, with blossoming flowers and verdant landscapes beckoning outdoor enthusiasts to explore. With clear vision post-LASIK, hiking becomes an even more immersive experience as you traverse winding trails, drink in panoramic vistas, and marvel at the intricate beauty of blooming flora.
Cycling Escapades
Feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face as you pedal through scenic routes without the hindrance of glasses or the discomfort of contacts. LASIK provides cyclists with enhanced visual clarity, allowing them to confidently navigate the terrain and soak in the sights and sounds of spring’s symphony.
Picnics in the Park
Bask in the warm embrace of spring by organizing picnics in lush, sun-kissed parks. With improved vision post-LASIK, you can admire the vibrant tapestry of nature, indulge in delectable treats, and engage in leisurely activities like frisbee or kite flying with friends and family.
Photography Expeditions
Capture the essence of spring in all its glory through the lens of a camera. LASIK surgery ensures crisp, clear vision, enabling budding photographers to immortalize the beauty of blossoms, chirping birds, and cascading waterfalls with unparalleled precision and clarity.
Outdoor Yoga Sessions
Embrace serenity and mindfulness amidst nature’s embrace with outdoor yoga sessions. LASIK eliminates the need for glasses or contacts during practice, allowing yogis to focus on breathing, balance, and alignment without visual distractions, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.
Birdwatching Excursions
Spring is synonymous with the melodious chirping of birds as they herald the arrival of warmer days. LASIK recipients can now partake in birdwatching expeditions with unobstructed vision, spotting feathered friends perched on branches or soaring across azure skies with newfound clarity and precision.
Al Fresco Dining
Savor spring flavors by dining al fresco at quaint cafes or charming eateries in picturesque locales. LASIK ensures uninterrupted enjoyment of culinary delights, allowing food enthusiasts to relish every bite and sip without the inconvenience of glasses fogging up or contacts drying out.
Stargazing Nights
As the days grow longer and the nights warmer, embark on stargazing escapades to marvel at the celestial wonders above. LASIK recipients can now gaze upon the cosmos with unparalleled clarity, tracing the constellations and counting shooting stars against velvety darkness.
Artistic Pursuits
Unleash your creativity with air painting or sketching sessions amidst nature’s canvas. LASIK surgery empowers artists to capture the essence of spring’s beauty with precision and detail, immersing themselves in the creative process without the constraints of corrective eyewear.
Festivals and Fairs
Immerse yourself in the festive spirit of spring by attending outdoor festivals, fairs, and cultural celebrations. LASIK ensures optimal visual acuity, allowing revelers to soak in the vibrant ambiance, indulge in culinary delights, and partake in exhilarating activities with unmatched clarity and comfort.
Spring is a season of new beginnings and vibrant transformations, making it the perfect time to consider LASIK and embrace a life of visual freedom. With Excel Laser Vision Institute, you can trust in the expertise of Dr. Moosa and the state-of-the-art technology available for your LASIK procedure. Say goodbye to the hassles of glasses and contacts and hello to a world of clear vision and endless possibilities. Whether you’re enjoying the beauty of blooming flowers or embarking on outdoor adventures, LASIK can enhance your spring experience and beyond. Experience the joy of clear vision this spring with LASIK from Excel Laser Vision Institute.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in LASIK
Our world is no stranger to artificial intelligence. Technology like Siri, face recognition, and geo targeted ads are perfect examples of how artificial intelligence has been slowly integrated into our day-to-day life. AI can do more than entertain. It provides convenience, security, and precision. For that reason, it has proven to be a valuable asset in the healthcare world, specifically for eye care procedures like LASIK.
By definition, artificial intelligence is a form of technology that mimics human behavior and thought-processes. AI can “learn” much like humans by sifting through the given data while following its programmed course. In the healthcare system, AI is used to analyze medical imaging. Technology has advanced so that artificial intelligence can now detect certain skin and lung cancers as well as tuberculosis from x-rays.
Ophthalmologists who perform laser eye surgery in Los Angeles say that artificial intelligence has played a part in preventing blindness. AI can be applied to optical coherence tomography and visual fields as well as fundus photographs to identify diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and other health issues in the eye. Here are some more examples of artificial intelligence being used in eye care:
- One British AI company is working with a hospital in London to identify the development of exudative age-related macular degeneration.
- Researchers at a specialty hospital in New York have created an algorithm for AI to identify age-related macular degeneration in patients. This solution is both convenient and inexpensive, given that the required technology is basic.
- One Dutch-American retinal specialist created the first autonomous diagnosis system for diabetic retinopathy, which was approved for use in the U.S. in 2018.
As you can see, artificial intelligence is slowly transforming the world we live in through bettering healthcare practices. In the world of eye care, AI is particularly useful for its effectiveness in analyzing images. Eye exams at a LASIK eye center such as Excel Laser Vision Institute in Los Angeles require high-quality images and maps of the patient’s eyes. With the right algorithm, artificial intelligence can be taught to detect diseases during these routine exams and help prevent the onset of blindness. AI may also eventually allow for remote imaging in the future.
There are some limitations to AI which can be supplemented by other technology and manual skills. When you receive LASIK in Los Angeles, you are not given over entirely to an automatic machine. On the contrary, there is an experienced surgeon monitoring and controlling the instruments that correct your refractive error. In this way, machines and humans can work together to help patients achieve their vision goals. When utilizing AI in procedures like LASIK, eye surgeons can improve the speed, precision, and effectiveness of the surgery.
While artificial intelligence is an impressive feat for mankind, it is no replacement for the human brain. The existence of increasingly technical AI is exciting, but it does not signal the end of medical professionals. Rest assured, you will still have your eye doctor. Instead of replacing the skills of ophthalmologists, AI operates as a high-functioning aid for exams, diagnoses, and treatments. Statistics show that diabetic retinopathy scans controlled by AI are 95.7% accurate at detecting damage that requires a specialist referral and 100% accurate at detecting moderate to severe forms of the disease that might lead to vision loss. As we move into the future, AI moves with us and allows us to achieve greater things than we could have ever imagined.
What to Expect After Your LASIK Surgery
When you visit a LASIK clinic in Los Angeles particularly Excel Laser Vision Institute, you will be attended with the utmost respect and care. This is one of the reasons why laser eye surgery has become such a popular vision-correcting alternative in recent years. Not only is it precise and accurate, but most patients describe feeling safe and comfortable throughout the whole process.
Your surgeon at a LASIK eye center will first conduct a thorough examination of your eye in order to determine if you are eligible for the procedure. Once you are cleared as a qualified LASIK patient, they will run through the surgery with you in order to help you prepare mentally and physically. Typically, surgeons will ask that you come into the surgery wearing comfortable clothes with no makeup on and a designated driver to get you home. They will describe the various instruments that will be used to correct your refractive error and answer any questions you have about the surgery.
If you don’t have much experience with laser eye surgery, then it is important to ask as many questions as you can. This will help ease your mind for the day of the surgery and allow you to relax fully during the procedure. As you may or may not know, LASIK is known for being quick and painless. Some patients are done in under fifteen minutes and get to experience immediate results! Depending on your vision goals and the extent of your refractive error, your surgery and recovery process may vary. However, this is what most patients at a LASIK clinic will experience after their surgery:
- Improved vision immediately after the surgery – Not 100% clear, but astonishing for some patients who have relied on contacts or glasses for so long. Patients have described it as opening your eyes underwater.
- Ability to drive after 24 hours – Patients are asked to bring a designated driver with them to the surgery. Once it is finished, they typically notice their vision clearing up in the next few hours. Most patients can return to their normal routine in the next day or so.
- Protective shields – Many LASIK doctors recommend protective shields to their patients after the surgery to protect their eyes from injury and light sensitivity. This will be assigned for a certain period of time, depending on your eye needs.
- Prescription eye drops – In order to prevent infection and minimize inflammation, LASIK doctors will often prescribe eye drops to their patients. They may also recommend non-prescription drops to lubricate the eyes if any dry eye symptoms are noticed.
- Post-surgery rest – Patients typically describe LASIK as painless because the procedure is completed with the help of numbing drops and medications. However, once the anesthesia wears off, there may be some initial discomfort during recovery. In addition to eye drops and protective shields, LASIK doctors recommend that patients close their eyes and rest for the first four hours after their surgery.
- Post-surgery check-ups – LASIK patients can expect to have a post-op check-up on the day after their surgery. This is to ensure that the healing process is running smoothly and the surgical treatment is satisfactory. Patients will likely have a second check-up a week later. Make sure to tell your doctor about any symptoms that you may have noticed and ask any questions about the recovery process.
LASIK Eye Surgery Near Me
If you are looking for a qualified surgeon to correct your vision errors, then look no further than Dr. Moosa at the Excel Laser Vision Institute. As a Harvard-trained surgeon with thousands of surgeries under his belt, Dr. Moosa has the experience and the confidence to help you achieve your vision goals. Excel Laser Vision Institute has offices in Los Angeles and Orange County.
Why Women Who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding Should Put Off LASIK Surgery
When visiting a LASIK clinic in Los Angeles as a potential LASIK patient, you will receive an in-depth eye exam and health evaluation. Eye care professionals such as those of Excel Laser Vision Institute will look for any signs that may disqualify you for the procedure in terms of your eye condition, health history, and current health status. You may be disqualified from LASIK and pointed to an alternative laser eye surgery, or you may be told to wait until your health conditions align with the ideal candidate. One reason that a doctor may tell you to come back to be reevaluated is if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
Women who are breastfeeding or pregnant are generally told to put off their LASIK eye surgery because this could affect the results of their procedure or even jeopardize the safety of the baby. Here are some of the main reasons why a LASIK professional will tell a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding to delay their laser eye surgery.
Hormonal Changes
Women undergo natural hormonal shifts when breastfeeding and pregnant, which can ultimately affect their visual acuity. According to recent studies, these hormonal fluctuations can cause the eye lens to swell which may alter a patient’s prescription. LASIK is known for treating farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism but these hormonal shifts could actually make it more difficult to achieve precise vision correction. Experts at Excel Laser Vision Institute, a LASIK eye center in Los Angeles, recommend that women undergo LASIK before pregnancy or 2-6 months after breastfeeding. This will ensure that hormones are relatively balanced and a patient’s true prescription can be treated.
Medication Use
LASIK surgeons typically utilize certain medications on LASIK patients that may not be safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women to take. For example, LASIK patients are often given a mild sedative in order to relax them prior to the surgery. When taken by a pregnant woman, this could potentially cause harm to the baby. Laser eye surgery patients will also be given eye drops that help numb and dilate the eye during the surgery and antibiotic eye drops to prevent infection as well as steroidal eye drops for inflammation. These drops have the potential to enter a woman’s bloodstream and pose risks to a pregnancy in the third trimester. Finally, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding will not be able to take any painkillers which could potentially make their procedure more uncomfortable and inconvenient.
Radiation Exposure
As with many medical procedures, LASIK surgery exposes patients to some levels of radiation from the laser technology. This happens when the laser is creating tiny corneal incisions and reshaping the tissues in the cornea. While this is very minimal and unharmful to the ideal candidate, this radiation may be dangerous for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In order to avoid any of these risks, doctors will always recommend that women put off any elective procedures until after their period of breastfeeding is over.
LASIK Eye Surgery Near Me
While women who are currently pregnant or breastfeeding may not be ideal candidates for LASIK, they can often receive the procedure later on. LASIK experts in Los Angeles like Doctor Moosa recommend that women wait a minimum of 2 months after breastfeeding to visit a LASIK clinic and have a thorough evaluation. LASIK specialists will be able to identify any potential risks and steer patients in the right direction to achieve their vision goals.
LASIK and PRK: Two Sides of the Same Coin
According to Doctor Moosa, one of the LASIK experts in Los Angeles, there are many choices when it comes to refractive surgery; however, the two most common procedures are LASIK and PRK. The choice between these two laser eye surgeries comes down to a patient’s eye health and lifestyle. In both PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), the shape of the cornea is altered in order to refocus light properly. This helps solve blurring and distortion for someone with a lower visual acuity.
PRK and LASIK are proven techniques for treating vision problems and helping patients achieve their vision goals. While they require different methods and tools, they have the same goal. Both can be used to correct astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. Experts at Excel Laser Vision Institute, a LASIK eye center in Los Angeles, say that each vision correction procedure is comparable in cost as well as results. The price may change based on the clinic, the surgeon, and the patient’s needs. However, the average is around $2,000 per eye. After receiving either LASIK or PRK, patients undergo a recovery period but both can experience immediate results. Some people are astounded at the clarity of vision they have the day after the surgery and how strong their vision remains after. Each of these refractive surgeries provide long-term results; however, sometimes one procedure is more suitable for one type of patient.
Laser eye surgery doctors can do a comprehensive exam of a patient’s eyes in order to determine what procedures they qualify for and which one would better suit their needs. Some of the things that they will look at is a patient’s pupil size, cornea size, eye health history, and current prescription. Depending on a patient’s hobbies, career, or lifestyle, there may be one procedure that makes more logistical sense for them. Here are some of the reasons why someone might choose PRK over LASIK:
- When patients don’t qualify for LASIK, they may be a better candidate for PRK.
- PRK does not require the creation of a corneal flap, which is beneficial for some patients who are at risk of flap displacement (athletes, skydivers, military).
- Patients with thinner corneas may choose PRK because the procedure favors tissue conservation.
When you visit a LASIK clinic in Los Angeles such as Excel Laser Vision Institute, you will see that there are many options for someone who is trying to improve their visual acuity. PRK and LASIK are two of the most common and well-known procedures. While LASIK is generally considered more advanced in terms of technology and efficiency, PRK is a solid option for patients with certain eye conditions or lifestyles. Not everyone will qualify for every refractive surgery, which is why it is important to have alternatives for vision correction. Now, more than ever, refractive surgery has become accessible to people with varying prescription levels and complexities. The cost of this kind of surgery has also become more widely available to different incomes thanks to better financing options. Whether you chose PRK or LASIK, you have the chance to achieve 20/20 vision or better and improve your overall quality of life.
Behind Every Great LASIK Clinic is a Great Ophthalmologist
As a field, ophthalmology has transformed LASIK clinics in Los Angeles as well as other eye care centers all over the world. It is thanks to experienced surgeons like Dr. Moosa at Excel Laser Vision Institute that patients are able to achieve 20/20 sight or better. In the video below, Dr. Moosa explains why he chose ophthalmology as his career path:
In the simplest sense, ophthalmology is the study of the eye. Ophthalmologists have a deep understanding of its anatomy and physiology in order to diagnose and treat disorders. These are some of the things that an ophthalmologist is trained to do in his/her career: treat eye diseases, prescribe contacts or glasses to correct vision, conduct research on eye diseases and disorders, and perform laser eye surgery.
While developments in eye care have very current effects, the study of ophthalmology actually dates back thousands of years. According to experts at LASIK centers in Los Angeles, the first medical eye treatment was recorded in the Ebers Papyrus from Egypt, around 1550 BCE. Doctors around this time found that the eye had inner and outer layers with some type of fluid. The earliest treatments were typically herbal although there is evidence that the Egyptians might have performed simple surgical procedures.
The Sushruta Samhita, an ancient Indian text, was another early resource of medical information and treatment. Some say that this text was written in the sixth century BCE while others believe it to be later on. Regardless, this large work communicated an expanse of knowledge, detailing 1,120 conditions and illnesses. At least 67 of these were ocular related. The text includes information about different surgical instruments and treatment methods, including how to clear vision by pushing away cloudy cataract lenses.
In Greece, Aristotle dissected animal eyes in order to discover the three layers that make up the structure. Meanwhile, Rufus of Ephesus was the first to recognize that the eye had two chambers filled with two different substances (one like water and one like egg whites) and he also identified the epithelial layer as well as the conjunctiva. In the second century, Galen began to piece apart the cornea, curvature of the lens, tear ducts, and function of the optic nerve. He was able to create models of the eye that were more precise than others of his time. There were countless other researchers, scientists, and doctors that contributed to our knowledge of the eye and expanded the range of ophthalmology’s practical reach.
Currently, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is the largest association of eye surgeons and physicians with around 32,000 members. There are many different specialities that ophthalmologists can focus on in their studies including cornea and external disease, neuro-ophthalmology, glaucoma, pediatric ophthalmology, ophthalmic plastic surgery, vitreoretinal diseases, and ophthalmic pathology. When becoming a patient at a LASIK eye center in Los Angeles, you are directly benefiting the skills and expertise of the ophthalmology field. Thanks to the dedicated doctors in this area of expertise, people are able to get the treatment they need to enjoy clarity of vision.