Patients undergo PRK and LASIK in Los Angeles for many reasons! Most want to throw their glasses and contact lenses away for good, because they are sick of them, are constantly misplacing them, or just hate having to wear them daily and are looking into getting laser eye surgery.
Our ophthalmologists performing LASIK in Los Angeles will guide you through the most popular procedures which are LASIK and PRK eye surgery. However, you should know the differences between these two laser eye surgery methods and their benefits.
What Is PRK Eye Surgery?
PRK, or otherwise known as photorefractive keratectomy, is a type of refractive surgery at the LASIK eye center in Los Angeles. It is commonly used to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism.
Did you know that PRK was the first type of laser eye surgery for vision correction and came before the well-known LASIK procedure? Although PRK recovery takes a tad longer than LASIK eye surgery, PRK is offered at Orange County clinics and provides advantages that LASIK cannot offer to some patients.
Similar to LASIK and other types of laser eye surgery, PRK works by reshaping the cornea using an excimer laser, which lets light enter the eye to be correctly focused onto the retina for clear vision.
What Is The Difference Between LASIK And PRK?
The primary difference between PRK and LASIK is the first part of the procedures.
During a LASIK procedure, a thin flap is created on the cornea using a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. Then, the eye surgeon lifts the flap to reveal the underlying corneal tissue and fixes the flap back over the cornea once he or she reshapes it with an excimer laser.
On the other hand, during a PRK procedure, the thin outer layer of the cornea (epithelium) is removed and disposed of before the underlying corneal tissue is reshaped with an excimer laser. The epithelium has the ability to repair itself by growing back over the corneal surface within a couple of days after surgery.
LASEK is a variation of PRK and is also available at the LASIK clinic in Los Angeles.
Rather than discarding the outer epithelial layer of the cornea as is the case with PRK, LASEK consists of lifting the epithelial layer. The eye surgeon uses a surgical instrument called a trephine, he or she lifts the epithelial layer and preserves it during surgery and then replaces it on the eye’s surface at the end of the procedure.
What Is The Difference Between PRK And LASIK Results?
The outcome of PRK surgery in Los Angeles is similar to LASIK results, but PRK recovery is slower since it takes a few days longer for new epithelial cells to reproduce and cover the surface of the eye.
Also, there is a small possibility of an increased risk of eye infection and fuzzy vision in the first few days after surgery. Furthermore, LASIK patients usually have less discomfort, and their vision improves more quickly, whereas vision recovery with PRK is slow and the final result can take several weeks.
Although PRK is a gradual recovery, it does provide some apparent benefits.
Since PRK surgery does not require the eye surgeon to create a corneal flap, which consists of both epithelial and the deeper stromal tissues, the whole thickness of the underlying stroma is possible for treatment.
This is really important if the cornea is too thin for LASIK or if you have done LASIK in the past and that is the reason for their thinner residual cornea. Also, there is no risk of flap complications, and the risk of taking too much cornea with the excimer laser is lowered.
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of PRK?
To put everything is perspective, below is a list of all the pros and cons of PRK.
- This laser treatment doesn’t go as deep as LASIK
- Very good for patients who have a thin cornea
- No risk of corneal flap complications
- Lower risk of weakening corneal thickness
- Recovery is slower than LASIK
- Optimal vision takes longer to achieve
- A higher risk of post-surgery infection, inflammation, and cloudiness
- PRK recovery is more uncomfortable than the recovery that is necessary after LASIK surgery
How Does A Surgeon Perform PRK Surgery?
The eye surgeon will first remove a central area of corneal epithelium using one of three methods: an alcohol solution, a “buffing” device or a blunt surgical instrument.
Afterward, an excimer laser is used to accurately reshape the curvature of the cornea’s surface. An excimer laser is a computer-controlled and highly specialized laser that distributes pulses of cool ultraviolet light that removes microscopic quantities of tissue in an accurate pattern.
The surgeon places a “bandage”, which is a soft contact lens on the patient’s cornea to help protect the eye. New epithelial cells regenerate in around four or five days. After that time, the eye doctor removes the bandage contact lens from the patient’s eye.
What Are The Long term Results Of PRK?
As mentioned before, PRK and LASIK outcomes are very similar. Many patients achieve 20/20 vision after the procedure, and almost all patients receive 20/40 visual acuity or better.
If you are not happy with your vision after your eyes have completely healed, you may want to have a follow-up or “enhancement” procedure to further improve your eyesight.
Alternatively, you can wear eyeglasses for specific tasks as required.
If you experience sensitivity to light after PRK, eyeglasses with photochromic lenses can offer relief.
Furthermore, if you have a slight residual refractive error after surgery, low power prescription lenses with anti-reflective coating can usually sharpen your vision for activities such as driving at night.
Post-operative PRK and LASIK complications are unusual and can comprise of infection and starbursts or halos around lights or at night.
You may find that you still require reading glasses after PRK surgery when you reach your 40s, because of age-related vision loss, which is known as presbyopia.
Although LASIK is the most popular laser vision correction surgery, you should follow your eye doctor’s advice and guidance on whether PRK or LASIK is the most suitable procedure for your requirements. If you want further information about LASIK or PRK, give Excel Laser Vision Institute a call at + (818) 907-8606 today.
Lasik in Los Angeles: The Better Alternative to Contacts for Astigmatism
Astigmatism is one of the most common vision problems in the US, affecting one in three Americans. Most people rely solely on contact lenses to correct the blurred vision stemming from the eye condition, not knowing that there are better alternatives available. Lasik in Los Angeles is one such option.
Lasik surgery remains one of the best ways to correct astigmatism, especially opposed to contact lenses, when you consider the disadvantages of being reliant on contacts for clear vision.
What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is an imperfection in eye curvature, also known as a refractive error. Healthy, normal eyes are curved like a baseball. For people with astigmatism, however, the curve resembles the back of a spoon or an egg. This curvature imperfection can occur in the cornea or the lens, and can manifest in one or both eyes.
Individuals with astigmatism suffer from blurred vision at all distances. If left untreated, this condition can interfere with day to day activities such as driving. Common symptoms include:
- Distorted vision
- Headaches
- Squinting
- Eyestrain
- Impaired night vision
Note that astigmatism doesn’t improve on its own. It generally gets worse over time with age, health decline, and in conjunction with other vision issues such as nearsightedness and farsightedness. Astigmatism can be treated with prescription glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.
Disadvantages of Wearing Contacts for Astigmatism
For many, contact lenses offer a quick and inexpensive way to correct astigmatism. Prescription contact lenses are readily available and effective in temporarily restoring clear eyesight. Unlike glasses, contacts don’t hide their wearer’s facial features.
However, contact lenses come with significant disadvantages that can make them an unsustainable solution, such as:
- Can slip off the eye center
- Needs to be worn all the time to maintain sight clarity
- Gathers debris and dirt under the lenses
- Requires frequent follow-up care
- Does not correct related vision problems
- May not provide sharp vision
- Difficult to handle, wear, and clean
- Wears out quickly
- Easy to lose
On top of these, it can be too much for some people to reach into their eyes and insert their contacts. Fail to follow the strict lens-wearing and replacement schedule, and you’ll become vulnerable to eye irritation and other serious eye health risks. The costs of buying new contacts as your prescription changes or as a replacement for lost ones can also add up over time.
Advantages of Lasik in Los Angeles for Astigmatism
Lasik surgery presents a more convenient way to correct astigmatism without the hassles associated with contact lenses. Your Lasik surgeon in Orange County will use ultra-precise lasers to reshape the cornea so that the corneal curve becomes more symmetrical. This effectively eliminates eyesight problems related to astigmatism.
Here are some advantages that make Lasik the better choice over contact lenses or eyeglasses when it comes to treating astigmatism:
- No frames or lenses to obstruct your vision
- Does not get splattered by rain or mud
- Will not fog up or collect debris and dirt
- Can correct other vision issues such as myopia
- Long-term improved eyesight
- Minimal complications and fast recovery time
- No risk of loss or misplacement
- Gives you greater freedom when active
- Improves night vision
For the right candidate, there are almost no downsides in choosing Lasik surgery for astigmatism. Better yet, the sooner you can undergo the procedure, the longer you can enjoy clearer vision for years to come. To learn more about Lasik surgery cost, qualifications, and other concerns, call Excel Laser Vision Institute at + (818) 907-8606 to talk to a Lasik surgeon today!
Wavefront Optimized LASIK Eye Surgery can Result in Sharper Vision
If you are a person who suffers from nearsightedness or farsightedness, you can correct your vision with a corrective eye surgery. Generally speaking, this outpatient LASIK eye surgery procedure utilizes a laser to change the shape of the patient’s cornea, enhancing the way the eyes focus light rays onto the retina. It’s a very sought-after laser vision correction procedure that has helped millions of people with eye issues worldwide.
Recently, LASIK has gone through modifications that massively improved its reliability. To get the sharpest vision after a LASIK Los Angeles procedure, think about having a Wavefront Optimized Laser Vision correction procedure. Wavefront Optimized Laser technology provides a more accurate and personalized evaluation of the one-of-the-kind characteristics of your eyes to achieve better results.
What is Custom Wavefront LASIK?
Some people who ask about LASIK eye surgery cost also want to know about custom wavefront LASIK, also known as LASIK or wavefront LASIK. Eye doctors tell us that custom LASIK or wavefront LASIK adds a significant level of precision and personalization to LASIK vision correction surgery by using advanced wavefront technology to assess the unique characteristics of a person’s eyes.
Although eyeglass prescriptions are not uncommon, millions, even billions, of people can have similar eyeglass prescriptions. Due to the unique characteristics of every person’s eyes that can’t be measured with traditional techniques used to ascertain refractive error during an eye exam, people who have the same eyeglasses prescription will see with various levels of clarity compared to individuals with the same prescription lenses.
On the other hand, custom LASIK uses more detailed information rather than just conventional eyeglasses prescription to program the excimer laser that reshapes the eye during the vision correction procedure.
The wavefront technology used for custom LASIK makes the procedure a cut above a conventional LASIK procedure in two ways:
Custom Wavefront LASIK is More Accurate
While your eye doctor gives you a routine eye exam, he or she will bring in various lenses in front of your eyes as you look at an eye chart and ask you which lens lets you see the letters clearer? Is it lens 1 or lens 2? Occasionally the lenses will look similar, and it’s difficult to select which one makes you see the chart clever. Perhaps it’s a lens in between the two?
Your eye doctor uses a dial instrument that requires them to click through to find out a person’s eyeglasses prescription using the smallest unit of power – 0.25 diopter (D). That’s why eyeglass prescriptions have numbers such as -1.25 D and -1.50 D, but not 1.3 D.
The power of lenses needed to correct a person’s vision is measured in 0.01 D units when it comes to wavefront LASIK. Essentially, during your eye exam, rather than your eye doctor giving you “lens 1” and “lens 2” to select from, you have twenty-four extra lenses in between these two to choose from.
Fortunately, choosing the lens that precisely corrects your vision for a custom LASIK procedure is carried out right away by a computer, rather than you making the decision.
When assessing the refractive errors within the eyes in 0.01 D increments (instead of 0.25 D increments, as in a routine eye exam), measurements used for custom wavefront LASIK are 25 times more accurate than lens powers used in an eyeglasses prescription.
Custom Wavefront LASIK is More Individual
When your eye doctor ascertains your eyeglass prescription during your eye exam, they determine your eye’s ability to focus light as a complete whole. One lens prescription is worked out for the whole eye.
Measurements collected for custom LASIK are accumulated from hundreds of separate reference points on the eye’s front surface. All these data points are used to produce a detailed map of refractive error and focusing imperfections known as higher-order aberrations throughout the entire cornea.
Afterward, this map is used to program the excimer laser to give a personalized vision correction for your particular requirements.
What are the Types of Custom LASIK?
There are three essential types of custom LASIK eye surgery procedures:
- Wavelength-Guided LASIK: This procedure involves detailed, wavefront-generated measurements based on how light waves travel through your eyes and fall on the retina, to produce a laser treatment that is entirely personalized for the eye anatomy and vision requirements. Besides, correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, wavefront-guided LASIK lowers irregular higher-order aberrations that can lessen visual clarity even after all significant refractive errors are corrected.
- Wavefront-Optimized LASIK: This procedure involves detailed measurements of the curvature of the eye’s front surface to maintain the natural aspheric shape of the cornea. Maintaining the cornea’s natural shape lowers the risk of a specific type of higher-order aberration known as spherical aberration, which can happen naturally in an eye or result from other types of laser vision correction procedures. Typically, spherical aberration is brought about by halos around lights and other night vision problems.
- Topography-Guided LASIK: This procedure involves detailed measurements of the cornea’s surface to program the laser to tackle vision issues caused by corneal irregularities (including corneal scars) besides refractive errors. Topography-guided LASIK is not a wavefront LASIK procedure, but it provides a more personalized vision correction than conventional LASIK.
Does Custom LASIK Provide Better Results than Traditional LASIK?
Custom LASIK delivers the most precise form of LASIK available today. Individuals who go through custom LASIK achieve more significant vision results, with a higher possibility of achieving 20/20 vision and better overall vision.
Who are the Ideal Candidates for Wavelength?
The main reasons why people choose to undergo LASIK is because they are fed up with wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses, for cosmetic reasons, for social or marriage, or for lifestyle activities that are inhibited by eyewear such as outdoor sports such as golf, football, water sports or hiking.
Some people don’t believe eyeglasses are attractive. Frequently, there is some level of distortion when looking through the periphery of the glasses, the field of vision is lowered, and sometimes when leaving a cold room, moisture can fog the glasses which can be unsuitable for particular careers such as the Army, Merchant Navy, Airlines, Air Force, Railways and professional sports.
On the other hand, contact lenses need a lot of attention to hygiene when inserting removing them since lack of hygiene can result in infections.
Wavefront LASIK gets rids of all these disadvantages. Wavefront-guided LASIK has made it possible to treat a larger spectrum of patients. This procedure especially helps people with eye issues to have a clear vision, which would have otherwise been difficult with the older procedures. Furthermore, those unhappy with any form of vision correction are candidates for Wavefront-guided customized treatments.
What are the Advantages of Wavefront-Guided LASIK Over Standard LASIK
Recently, studies have shown these advantages of wavefront-guided LASIK compared to traditional LASIK:
- 100% patient satisfaction with very few side effects or complications.
- 70% of these patients achieved one to two lines of visual acuity more than what was anticipated from this treatment before the procedure.
- 16% of wavefront-guided LASIK patients got a post-procedure uncorrected visual acuity of 6/3 [3 lines smaller than normal].
- Wavefront treatment results were found to bring stable, accurate post-operative results.
- The incidence of postoperative symptoms such as glare, halos, lessened contrast sensitivity, and poor night vision as with standard LASIK are overall absent or significantly reduced with wavefront treatments.
- Wavefront-guided treatment has applications in complicated post-refractive surgery (RK, PRK, LASIK) patients (with considerable symptoms, decentred treatments) as well as in patients professionally needing acute vision.
What are the Features of a Wavelength Laser?
The WaveLight is unsurpassable for wavefront procedures using the quickest and most sensitive eye tracker in the world [500 Hz] to ensure perfectly accurate and well-centered treatments.
This laser has the fastest treatment time, about [500 Hz], which is a vital factor in ensuring uniform treatment over the entire surface of the cornea by minimizing dehydration of the cornea and other external influences during the procedure. Plus, it manages to customize the corneal shape to improve visual acuity and improve contrast, especially in dim light conditions.
The highly advanced WaveLight laser utilizes a ‘Flying Spot’ of 0.9 mm, a requirement to provide accurate placement of laser treatment. This specific treatment leaves nothing to chance. Wavefront procedures very often leave patients with eyesight better than expected. As a matter of fact, some may say patients are left with super–vision or eagle vision.
At Excel Laser Vision Institute, LASIK surgery improves your vision. However, you should consult with the experts about which eye correction surgery is best for you. If you want to know more about LASIK surgery, please do not hesitate to call us at (866) 923-9235.
Advantages of LASIK Eye Surgery and Reasons Why You Should Pursue It
LASIK is short for laser in-situ keratomileusis; an eye surgeon performs this refractive surgery at LASIK Los Angeles to correct a patient’s vision problems, including farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism. Normally, surgeons perform LASIK surgery by cutting across the cornea to raise the flap of tissue and reshaping it.
Over the years, LASIK has increased in popularity because of its many advantages. Many of those who get LASIK end up having successful results!
What are Refractive Vision Problems and Why Do They Happen?
When the eye looks at an object, light enters the eye and passes through the cornea. The cornea contains the natural lens of the eye, which is responsible for refracting the light so that it hits the retina at the back of the eye properly. The retina is the part of the eye that focuses light and sends messages to the brain to help us understand what we are seeing. Nevertheless, when the light is refracted improperly, it doesn’t focus on the retina the right way, resulting in blurred vision.
Refractive problems include:
Myopia: This is nearsightedness that is brought about by a steeper cornea.
Hyperopia: Occurs with far-sightedness and is caused by a cornea that is too flat.
Astigmatism: This is when the cornea is shaped similarly to a football than a soccer ball, and so the light refracts incorrectly.
Presbyopia: A condition that occurs with age and results in changes within the make-up of the natural lens, which causes refractive errors to happen.
What is Laser Vision Correction Surgery?
Laser vision correction is a way of fixing refractive vision issues using state-of-the-art laser technology. It has advanced drastically within the last few decades and is now safer and more precise than it ever was before.
LASIK makes it possible to map the patient’s cornea with exceptional precision, using this information to plan and carry out corneal reshaping. It has a very high success rate as well, and many patients find that they depend on eyeglasses or contact lenses a lot less, if at all.
What is LASIK?
LASIK involves the use of laser technology that cuts a very thin, square flap into the outer layer of the cornea. The eye surgeon then changes the shape of the layers underneath to repair the imperfections in curvature that are causing the distorted vision.
A LASIK procedure is very unique since it is the only laser vision correction that uses the flap technique to perform the changes to the cornea.
Once the necessary corrections to the lower layers of the cornea have been performed, the flap is replaced and left to heal naturally without the need for sutures.
What are the Advantages of LASIK?
Fortunately, LASIK has many benefits, and one of those is that it corrects vision. About 96% of patients will achieve their desired vision after a LASIK procedure. Getting an enhancement can further increase this figure.
LASIK is linked to very little pain since LASIK surgeons use numbing drops prior to the surgery. Normally, patients experience corrected vision almost immediately afterward or the very next day after LASIK.
Also, there is no need for bandages or stitches after LASIK, and adjustments can be performed years after LASIK to further correct vision if vision changes while a person ages.
After a LASIK procedure, many patients have a drastic reduction in eyeglasses or contact lens reliance, and many patients no longer require them.
Here are some other advantages of LASIK:
Better Vision
The number one reason why people do LASIK in the first place is to gain improved vision. Although there are no guarantees that you will achieve perfect eyesight after the procedure, about 96% of patients who opt for LASIK have 20/20 vision. Individuals who feel their vision has dramatically improved find that their dependence on eyeglasses and contact is greatly reduced.
Despite the fact that no procedure is completely risk-free, laser vision correction is now safer than ever before. However, the flap technique does provide opportunities for some complications, which will be explained down below.
Quick Healing
Most of the time, patients usually ask about how quickly they can expect to heal after a LASIK procedure. The healing time after a LASIK procedure is typically about 24 to 36 hours unless there are any complications that come about from the placement of the flap. Also, there is no need to wear uncomfortable bandages. Because of this, a person can return to work and drive with very minimal downtime.
Lets You Do More Activities
Sometimes having poor vision can stop you from being part of a sports team, joining the military, or any profession that requires good eyesight. Going through LASIK eye surgery will let you do what you always wanted to do but couldn’t because of poor eyesight since LASIK can correct and significantly improve your vision.
Also, once your eyesight improves with LASIK, you can participate in activities you used to think were never possible such as swimming, cycling, skydiving, and many others. LASIK eye surgery can help you broaden your horizons, go on new adventures, and have better career opportunities.
What are the Disadvantages of LASIK?
Although there are many advantages to LASIK, there are a few disadvantages of the procedure that you should be aware of.
Flap Complications
When the lower layers of the cornea have been reshaped, the flap will be placed back over the lens. Still, the flap is very delicate and thin, and the process is complicated. So, there could be the risk of the following complications:
- The flap becomes displaced.
- The flap wrinkles up, causing distorted vision.
- Debris gets trapped under the flap
- The flap breaking or being incomplete in some manner.
Before you decide on a LASIK Los Angeles procedure, make sure you talk to a medical professional who specializes in this sort of treatment. At Excel Laser Vision Institute, we provide free consultations, which you can book here. Or else, you can call us on (310) 905-8622 to book an appointment with us.